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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Okie okie... calm down people... calm down.
  2. Sigh,,, bwilly.... so young also kenna analyzed!
  3. I'm going out now and won't be checking my PC beyond this post ie. Valleyman will be the last one. Printing out this list... so anyone CONFIRMED collecting today at the designated time, pls give me a call at 3pm! AT
  4. The only thing that worries me is the extremely high levels of lithium in Coralife salt (which could be a factor in heavy metal buildups in old tanks).
  5. The foot of the anemone was probably anchored on the glass bottom. It's for its security and not because there is 'food down there'!
  6. Ok... sat people pls don't be late. At the most, I will wait 15 mins beyond 4pm. I have to run about tomorrow! AT
  7. I'll discuss with my wife and see if she can come up with a good reaction!
  8. Hmmm... have not been chronicled my growth pix... all I can say is that my corals are growing very fast!
  9. Too much and you will see tissue fly off the coral skeleton.... Ever heard of an instant meltdown? Robe, our senior reefer, once told us he removed his UV shield when he ran DE bulbs for only about 15 to 20 minutes and his corals bleached instantly/melted.
  10. Huh? Oh. I edited it already when I saw your post. I always type too fast!
  11. DE are supposedly more efficiently designed... with regards to your question... 400w have greater depth penetration compared to 250w.
  12. 250w and 400w are two very different animals. DE vs SE - the debate still rages but it does seem that SE bulbs do produce dangerous amounts of UV that is extremely damaging to corals and livestock without the UV shield. Hon has DE bulbs that seems to be burning his SPS corals even with the UV shield on. I think there must be something strangely wrong with his UV glass shield.
  13. oh oh.... *hides* How now? I lost my head too..... this thread is so farnie!
  14. Nothing wrong. I do that too! Coralife works for me. Cheap and good. Remember, always add salt to water and not water to salt, unless you want to see calcium precipitation. The snow storm will take a much much longer time than a day to settle... sometimes not at all! Old or wet salt does this so keep your salt in air-tight containers! This will prevent them from hardening into salt rocks and a pain to dissolve.
  15. Oh get your momma to cook la-la or was it zoot-zoot! Stop giving me strange looks... go to a seafood restaurant and order it... then you know what it is!
  16. You can buy them from souvenir shops...
  17. Yes, you have to... or they will kill your big snails for them.
  18. Maybe he can put his rose anemone into his well-advertised 5 day cycled tank*.... the stress may cause his RBTA to split... or then again... maybe not! *Someone tell me he is still not telling newbies this!
  19. Having personally seen these coloured pink and purple tube anemones underwater.... I can vouch that they are not dyed! Can't say the same for some shockingly flourescent yellow or green dyed anemones that come in from time to time!
  20. Not too sure about other species of anemones.... *disclaimer: I am not responsible for any consequences arising from such actions*
  21. Well... unless Orpheus becomes a sponsor... then you can do your commercial selling here to reefers with my full blessings and endorsement!
  22. Errhmmm.... my friend... look at the date.. this thread is very old. Started in year September 2002! LOL!!! My current tank is as seen in my signature link.
  23. When I have the time, I get my wife to crush garlic, add a bit of water and squeeze them to get the juices. Now I simply buy a bottle of Seachem Garlic Guard.
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