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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. hmmm.... finger coral... the soft kind? Should be Alcyonium sp. or Cladiella sp. or Lobophytum sp. or Sinularia sp.
  2. And my aim is to wipe out The CLAMMED ONES!
  3. I am already at the terminal stage of this illness. I started a reef club!
  4. Actually, you're hijacking Hon's thread. You should ask it seperately in another new thread. Actually, there have been quite a few threads where this has been discussed before. Have you done a search? Keywords are superglue gel, superglue, epoxy.
  5. I just filled up my DIY Coralline C10002 with one 22kg bag of ARM. It's about 3/5th full now! Still got one more bag but not using it yet! Let's see how quickly my tank will use it up first! Who else bought A.R.M.?
  6. I'm using 2 weights the last dive. The dive before that was 3. 1st dive was using 4 long long ago
  7. Raid! Raid Raid! Nice going Hon, finally!
  8. Isn't AMK considered Central too? Bishan too? Toa Payoh and Bishan are next to each other.
  9. Anyone mentioned that my tank's skimmer is slightly shorter than me?
  10. You posted this thread in Product Reviews. If you read the posting requirements for Product Reviews, you would know that its NOT meant for product enquiries but for PRODUCT REVIEWS. Moving it out to Marine Equipment forum.
  11. Ok leaving soon... so I take it as closed regarding the collection for today. I'll arrange the next collection possibly next Tuesday... on the public hol. Standby for more details. AT
  12. Well... well..... did you not know that the safest cukes are the donkey dungs and tigertails? Getting the colourful ones is asking for trouble. In nature, anything that is usually colourful indicates trouble, meaning toxic, poisonous, vile-tasting etc etc. Nudibranchs, BR Octopi, sea cukes, monarch butterflies are just some examples. The pink seacuke may be small but take a hint from its colour. Also the pink seacukes sold in LFS are FILTER FEEDERS! That is why its never found on the sandbed sifting sand but on top of rocks and glass walls (trying to catch as much plankton and microscopic food as possible!) Do the water change until the water is clear. Hopefully the toxins would have been removed/diluted greatly by now. So sorry that this has to happen to you. I always tell people not to buy colourful nudibranchs or sea cukes... coz this is what may happen....
  13. Nah.... 20th August is when I restarted a new database... and some had to register themselves.
  14. On the contrary, when you are able to grow lots of coralline algae... they will stand out rudely against any dark background! I hate coralline algae now..
  15. My Aussie friends are all pretty depressed.
  16. Actually, My Scubapro S-tek BCD's pretty bare. I only clip my camera casing to my left D-ring. I have one less hose with my AIR2 system. My safety sausage is in a slim pouch that's slipped on to my cummerband at my left back. I have a dangly pouch on my right bottom back D-ring... where I can store my gloves, slate or camera lens cover. I just find it ugly. So I want a pouch that close to my body... but my cummerband rides pretty high up around my solar plexus. It;s extremely difficult to look down and see anything on your waistline. Sigh!
  17. Dino, you had the protective guard on your powerhead and it still got killed by it? Man, that must have been one very powerful pump! I don't really know what to say. Was yours a black donkey dung or those colourful filter feeder types? Why would it have gone up the rocks? My black donkey dung and tigertail cukes are happy on the sandbed... maybe I have a large surface area and they have plenty to eat? But it still makes me wary cause my Tunze streams may do the same to cukes... although... hmmm... they may not even enter the stream in the first place coz I have never seen them climb rocks or glass! I hope you are doing a massive water change now with lots of carbon and polyfilter. You really have my sincerest consolations.
  18. Reminds of the murder trial of my hitchhiker baby moral eel who systematically wiped out my dispars one by one!
  19. It's seldom collected. Rare. Hard to find and catch. A deepwater fish. I saw a purple firefish like 20m deep, hard to spot if not for the dive guide pointing it out!
  20. Gee... how in the world did it enter the powerhead?? Did you not leave the basket/guard on? Dino, I'm sure you have heard of a few reefers tank kenna wiped out by a 'cuke nuke' and every one of them is because they met an untidy end when they met with a pump impeller. Reefers.... PROTECT YOUR PUMPS or rather PROTECT YOUR LIVESTOCK FROM YOUR PUMPS!!! ALWAYS have the intake PROTECTED!!!
  21. Dradttg... you must be prepared to lose like 5cm of space to install that right? I saw it too.. but I think it's some kind of moulded fibreglass. I am using a black blackground. It gives a good contrast against your corals and fish and suggests a lot of depth.
  22. It's the Helfrich's Firefish, Nemateleotris helfrichi , one of my DREAM fishes. They are retailed for US$180 each.
  23. So sorry to hear of your losses! Do you have any other organisms that are toxic by nature? Sea apples? Cowfishes? Boxfishes? Nudibranchs? Did any of these die somehow? A clam dying shouldn't push your system over the edge unless if it's already on the edge... what were your nitrate levels before this incident and what is your ammonia level now? Lastly, what kind of superglue did you use? AT
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