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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Actually.. I was walking by a shop in Sim Lim and they were playing it... and there was a kid barely 12 years old standing there... his mouth dropped open... hahhaa!! Hmmm.... borrow leh!
  2. RE1 had milla in the ######.. yes no? I saw it and got a shock! She was on the op table and she was crashing about in shock... and lo and behold... white tiger!!!
  3. Can you check your magnesium levels also? Are you running a kalk reactor? I dose kalkwasser at night to stabilise my PH.
  4. I can't wait for AVP!!!!!!!!!!!! *droool* *snarl* ps - I just re-read Hunter's Planet... a Aliens vs Predator novel last night!
  5. The white eyes hairy crab found in acros are DEFINITELY bad ones. The white pinkish ones with a black band across their face are good. As long as the crabs are hairy... in my book... they are out the door just to be safe.
  6. Your title is misleading! Why would someone try to get ich to recover? from what? low salinity and copper treatment! Hehehehhe!!!
  7. Not a problem not that I am running my own server. No restriction on bandwidth/disk space. Just that very large pictures are annoying and restricting the k size doesn't mean that they still can't post very large/low res pix. AT
  8. Congratulations on having the largest sized attachment in SRC history. I must find a way to restrict attachment width!!!!!
  9. Your photo is too large... keep it to 700 pixel width next time. Anyway, anemones will expand and close up from time to time.... perfectly normal behaviour... no need to panic. Only panic when it collapses into mush.
  10. oops... double post. Heh heh.... damn wife's hogging my bandwidth, downloading music videos and all... grrrrr!
  11. Kill them. PESTS! Use pinchers to grab or stab them.
  12. Hmmm... we also dived at Ko Rock which is very popular with tourists. It is a designated marine park and has lovely beaches. We saw two giant monitor lizards there. Underwater, sadly, the corals there are in bad shape, ironically for a 'marine park'. The divemasters say that its due to traffic and anchoring of the large number of big ferries that go there... IMO with the large coral formations that were broken and with large amount of nets on the sea floor, I suspect it is the large number of fishing trawlers that surround the area. On the return journey, I counted at least 30 fishing trawlers! God knows when its time to rest/escape storms... they will anchor off islands... and damage the reefs. Hin Daeng and Hin Muang are just very steep reef pinnacles that protrude out from the sea floor. The upper few metres had more hard corals but the reef walls had more softies. It was the best spot of the dives. The other dive spots like Ko Rock also were in similar shape, corals were in bad shape.... bleaching or dead. It could be due to crown-of-thorns starfish or it could just be mother nature itself. I think the reefs in Tioman are in better shape than the few dive spots of the islands that we went to apart from Hin Daeng and Hin Muang. To be fair, there were plenty of massive porites formations and other corals around. But few acropora species.
  13. Wrong forum... moving out to Kopi Tiam.
  14. Actually, there are a lot of T-shirts still with me! My wife is getting quite displeased with the few bags of T-shirts in the hall. Heheh. Can you guys please make an effort to collect them asap and not postponed them? I am putting up a list again for Marine Life Hobbielist collection point and Ocean Planet. Collection can be made at these two shops by this coming Sunday. Please list down your name: Ocean Planet 1. 2. 3. Marine Life 1. 2. 3.
  15. Blenny.... your statement 'thus leaving with nitrate where it requires very low oxygen areas to cultivate.' is confusing. It should be: Nitrates can be processed and reduced to harmless nitrogen gas by anaerobic bacteria that is cultivated in areas of very low oxygen content.
  16. heh heh... you dived at all the wrong spots!
  17. You can't use your Overhead Filter. You need all the space for lighting. Suggestions: Get an external overflow box/sump config if there is no way you can drill and install an internal overflow box. A not so efficient external filtration method is using canister filters.
  18. I think you're moving too fast. Without a proper understanding of how things work in the marine tank... you will head for disaster. Please read, read, read and read more until you understand everything before proceeding. Trust me, it will save you money and heartpain.
  19. That looks just like bleaching. It's global warming and the only solution is to kill off humankind from this planet because we are the direct cause of global warming all these centuries due to modernization. This is not the only threat... from heat.... rising water levels will probably wipe out reefs as global warming as caused quite a few humungous ice shelves from the poles to break and drift to warmer waters and melt, adding megatonnes of freshwater to the oceans.
  20. Actinics contribute a certain amount of lighting with suitable wavelengths for coral photosynthesis and is not just merely a cosmetic bulb. If you are using FL/T5 bulbs, yes, get the actinics to add to the light spectrum. If you are using wide-spectrum MH and your bulb is a pleasing white-blue already... then there's no need for additional actinics. Those using more yellow MH needs something to balance the colour so more actinic bulbs can be used.
  21. This topic has been discussed before but i'll chip in again. Natural Salt Water (NSW) in the local context is not the best alternative but can be a cheaper one if you have a very large tank and you stay on landed property where a truck can take water off our coasts and transport & pump it into your tanks. Morgan does this as he has not much choices due to cost of maintaining his extremely large tanks. The trade-off is that the water is often dirty and murky and may contain higher levels of phosphates due to fertilizer runoffs from the land (we have lots of parks and golf courses around). Also do consider the very higher amount of commercial traffic which contributes pollution into the water. Whether they have been pre-filtered by the LFS or not, there are things in the water that the hobby test kits may not be able to detect. Why take the risk, IMO? Saltmix water on the other hand, is much much cleaner and contains high levels of calcium and consistent PH unlike local NSW. There shouldn't be any nitrates detected in your saltmix water. UNLESS your tapwater supply already contains nitrates. But with a proper DSB system, that little amount of nitrates should be easily dealt with. I think you may be unduly worried over nothing as this information is wrong. My 2 cents. AT
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