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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Let it go, guys. Let it go. So many other sources of LS around... no point feeling sore over a missed sale. Thread closed now.
  2. Marine buffer contains borate to raise PH which is not good for a reef tank.
  3. *warning* Let the matter rest. Read your other thread.
  4. This is thread is no longer productive and will be closed. Please conduct yourselves in a respectful manner in SRC or face a suspension of accounts should you be responsible for a flame war which I do not allow. The terms and conditions for selling/trading is clearly spelt out. Let honour and caution be always on both parties' mind. If they do not exist, no one is forcing the deal to take place... let it go. Buyers beware and sellers be honest. AT
  5. He got smashed in the face by a big orc with a club after killing like a few hundred goblins, dancing from tree to tree... Gimli was so shattered that he went on a killing rampage... till the Witch King cut off his legs. IMO, the movie went downhill from there...
  6. That wasn't Frodo... it was Sam that sailed off with the Elves. Frodo fell into the lava pit with Gollum and they both perished, bearing the burden of the Ring. I thought Frodo would have at least made it out alive and bring the movie to a happy end.
  7. Don't you think the way they looked at each other so intensely and cry is so gay...
  8. 03 Promotion Price Reefez Kalkwasser 500g S$ 10.00 Reefez Calcium Plus 450g S$ 11.00 Promotion for the above product would end 31 December 2003. New Pricing for 2004 Reefez Kalkwasser 500g S$ 12.50 Reefez Kalkwasser 250g S$ 7.00 Reefez Calcium Plus 450g S$ 12.50 Reefez Rid Rust 100ml S$ 12.50
  9. Pity frodo had to die in the end too. And the scene where Aragorn had to kill his Arywen before she became one of the orcs, that was really sad. I kinda feel that Gimli should not have lost his legs too.... he's quite short as it is.
  10. does or does not attach well, pospeh?
  11. Yeah... she's gonna watch it with her whole company tomorrow anyway.
  12. Can you be more descriptive about the white stuff on the surface of the water? It could be snow flakes, cotton buds, cream puffs, semen, shaving cream, or even paint.... Did it disappear? After how long? Did it stay? Is it hard? Is it affecting your livestock? What are your concerns exactly? Also, what did you exactly do in preparing your kalkwasser for dripping? Sorry.. but I just want to highlight that if you want quick immediate answers, please provide a lot more details in your questions. Thanks, AT
  13. Well, its not new... it's called Nano tanks.... keeping miniature aquariums.... as much as there are pros... there are also a fair bit of cons. Read on or get Danano to share more about how much time and attention he has to give to his small tanks.
  14. Yes you can. The question is how clean is it. As in... free of rotting detritus? If the bacteria and microlife in them like worms, pods, microalgae etc dies.... you have to wash the sand clean before you can reuse it or risk affecting your new tank (if you want to kickstart another cycle with this ammonia source).
  15. Guys, you have to read up more... go pick up some good marine books. Copepods can be found in almost every marine tank. They are harmless creatures and are good natural fish and coral food. No need to panic. Isopods are much larger and are usually parasitic (those that ride on fish). These have to be removed.
  16. I have a black background... that is... when I scrap off my coralline algae overgrowth!
  17. I told my wife how Legolas got killed.. and she screamed in disappointment. Hehehehehe!!!
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