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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Yes eggcrate will still reduce light going into your tank... its not called a light diffuser for nothing! If you have a shallow tank (<1ft), then its not advisable to keep firefish. You can if they are the only fish around or they have extremely peaceful tankmates. Also you should not make sudden moves... scaring them to jump out. IMO, you need not have any cover as there are more cons than pros.
  2. You have an injection chamber? Can you show us what you're talking about? If you have one already... and its part of your beckett skimmer, it should fit right in easily without much thought. Do you know how it even works?
  3. You know, the movie would have ended a long long time ago, if Aragon thought of commanding the ghost army right at the beginning of the war. Episode 1 would have been over in 15 mins. Did you see how fast the ghost army swept through the battlefield and up the castle, wiping out the enemy like a flood? Gee....
  4. Reef tanks should not be covered. A glass cover will reduce the air-water exchange causing CO2 to be trapped and may cause lowering of PH. Also, salt spray & dust will also reduce the amount of light penetrating the water surface (assuming you have the glass cover below the lights). If you have it above the lights, you will trap a lot of heat! I think only Arowana tanks need to be covered.
  5. Are you intending to cover a reef tank or a FW tank?
  6. It looks like encrusting hydnophora to me but your photo isn't clear enough to ID properly. Can you count the number of arms in each polyp? How long does each polyp extend to at the max?
  7. If it tastes funny and leaves a hole in your tongue... it should be the coolant.
  8. Try E Aquarists Place. Contact here.
  9. It may need some time to settle down then. Once it is hungry it should eat meaty foods like mysis etc. Try feeding it with nori.
  10. How long has your uncle been keeping it? Ask what is it's usual diet and then follow. Maybe its used to what your uncle feeds it and not what you are providing.
  11. Is the pump returning bubbles caused by overflowing water into the sump? Do you have baffles to let the bubbles dissipate in your sump? It will help prevent fine bubbles from being returned back to the tank.
  12. Man... the Tua Hum of SRC has died... so sad.
  13. You are right about how mankind is destroying the earth, and not just the oceans which have gotten you all worked up. If you look at statistics, you realise quickly that the reefing hobby contributes just a very small part of how the reefs are damaged, esp with the increased awareness of better capture/harvesting methods, CITIES regulations, coral propagation and reef restoration programs in place eg. artificial reefs being created to start nurseries for juvenile fishes and corals. In reality, a LOT more damage is a result of Man's commercial activities like land reclamation, shipping traffic & anchoring/overfishing/bad fishing practices/industrial and agricultural wastes and centuries of industrial air pollutants that is causing global warming that will eventually wipe out reefs due to rising water levels. Also Mother Nature is also responsible for wiping out in seconds what has taken decades and centuries to grow. As much as we are all bear some guilt, in retrospect, it's this hobby that is also responsible for bringing awareness to the wonder & fragility of the underwater world. What we as reef hobbyists should do is to gain awareness of how to keep our marine pets as best as we can, so as to not needlessly waste lives due to ignorance or worse still, stupidity. A smart and conscientious reefer can POSITIVELY contribute to the preservation of the reefs because we will regulate collection due to falling demand if we can all maintain our home reefs well. An ignorant, lazy or miseducated reefer will keep killing livestock and buying replacements. Which category are you in? Think about it. Personally, because of this hobby, I took up diving and can see the beauty of the seas for myself. And also see how much damage we humans are causing to the seas. I now no longer throw rubbish in the sea. I pick up plastic bags from the water if I can because it may save the live of a turtle, which may mistakenly eat it because it looks like a jellyfish. I throw back fishes that I caught if I am not going to eat them or they are undersized. I don't know if what i say can put things into perspective, but it is not necessary for you to feel so stressed about things because if we are gonna feel angry with ourselves over how fast this planet is falling to bits, we should invite aliens to blast our planet to bits so we won't prolong the earth's suffering any longer. Mankind is like a virus, as Agent Smith in the Matrix has said. It is good to have organisations to protect some ideals but for SRC, the goal is to promote conscientious reef-keeping. And IMO, it starts with EDUCATION. PEACE!
  14. Right cheek, 2.5cm down the crack. 1.5 cm right.
  15. DT is live plankton, unlike dissolved organics or proteins which easily stick to the surface tension grabbing action surfaces of foam bubbles, are not easily 'captured' unless the foaming action is tremendous. There is no reason to be unduly worried about all the plankton being skimmed out. Care to explain in detail what you mean? Phytoplankton and the algae that grows in the tank are different species of algae.
  16. Happy Holidays everyone! Take care and God bless!!
  17. It's spelt as Aiptasia. There are a few ways to get rid of it. Do a search on Aiptasia in SRC.... its been discussed before.
  18. As long it doesn't enter your intestines... you should be fine.. they can grow to enormous lengths... LOL! They are related to tapeworms, right? No experience with ribbon worms. But I heard they taste nice with miso soup.
  19. I haven't had an AT for a year and a half! It's my final big fish... waited for a very long time for a show-grade specimen... finally got one from Coral Farm!
  20. Before this thread gets out of topic... mingwen1611, sjsheng : Quarantining fish is different from acclimatizing your fish. If your intention is to prevent ich from spreading into your main tank (if it is truly free of ich)... an isolation tank with its own filtration system will be ideal. You can Q your fish and use it as a hyposalinity treatment tank... so that any parasites on the fish will be killed and will not use the fish as a host to spread in your main tank. For any other forms of medication, a tank without filtration would be suitable but you have to monitor for ammonia, no2 even more closely. Acclimatizing your fish is very important IMO. Give you an idea. I recently tested the bag water from the farm... parameters are as follows: salinity: 1.017. PH: 7.5 My tank parameters: salinity: 1.025. PH: 8.5 Barring other parameters like temperature etc.... if I failed to acclimatize my fish and dump the fish into my tank.. my new Achilles Tang may have been shocked and stressed by the sudden change in water and may possibly die from it. Some very sensitive fishes or inverts need a longer acclimatization process. I took more than half an hour to slowly drip water from my tank into the bag until it was totally replaced. Now my new AT is swimming in its own tank until it is recovered from shipping stress and damage and started eating first before I introduced it into my main tank in a few days/weeks time. Patience is important in this hobby! (DO NOT POUR THE BAG WATER INTO YOUR TANK! Reasons: potential contamination by parasites and chemicals/medication).
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