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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Open up Yahoo. Type in the search box 'sea swirl' and 'Tunze stream'. You can try that function here in SRC or RC too.
  2. Oops, you're right. A mountain troll it is.... smells just about right too...after it having a can of beer.
  3. Never seen such an interesting creature before... where does it come from?
  4. It doesn't work that way... you are pumping in water through the FBF column, fast and hard enough to keep the sand in suspension. That water will be oxygen rich. Think about it... what's the diff between a very very low water diffusion in a DSB and a forced water chamber? Logically...
  5. I find your avatar strangely beautiful. Orc Boss like.
  6. I don't advise people putting trace elements in their tank because most of these are already available in saltmix in very high concentrations... adding more trace elements may possibly lead to heavy metal buildups in your sandbed and LR and cause a crash later on. There are no test kits to measure trace elements... hence the danger. Using a calcium reactor will furnish you with almost all the natural trace elements naturally. You should pick up a good coral book to understand more about coral needs.
  7. Forget rotating powerheads... esp Eden. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?act=ST&f=14&t=660
  8. Nice photos... jc85, thanks for sharing!
  9. Napolean wrasse.... we called it 'so mei' or something like that....
  10. *Muuuust.... must..... resist....... taking.... club..... to... bash.... out..... seamonkee's brain..... muuuust resist.....* If it's any consolation, I prefer playing the Orcs in warcraft rather than the elves or humans!
  11. That fish commands a very high price at Chinese restaurants serving live seafood, my friend.
  12. Yeah.... I think there is one now driving a sticker filled car that is oddly unbalanced.
  13. What's the long term point of having one unless you have a grossly overstocked tank and need to deal with high ammonia and nitrites if your natural filtration of sand and LR can't cope? A FDF won't deal with nitrates. Neither will canisters, OHFs, coral chips in sumps, wet/dry filters etc. You're still back to square one.
  14. Damn, my old post is gone during the last database crash but I found the pix in the server.... linking it here...
  15. My old CBS couple spawned every fortnight. The amount of baby fry floating in the water was amazing!
  16. RIOs are notorious for breaking down. Read about their hate/hate relationship with reefers in RC!
  17. Was that why they have to leave? I mean the Ring is gone. I remember one of the elves saying that it is time for the dominion of Man to begin before they sailed off.
  18. There are only 2 types of reefsafe starfishes, fromia and linkia sp. Go research more on these 2 species on the internet!
  19. yyyyyyyyyeaaah. So Agent Smith, I mean, Elrond could have reforged Narsil to Anduril for Aragorn in Episode 1.... and maybe get the ghost king to drop off the ring at Mt Doom too?
  20. There are easy to keep SPS.. pretty much bulletproof... like montipora & porites. Well, in fact SPS can be easy to keep... IF you invest in good equipment and improve your husbandry skills to make the best environment for them! Too many reefers fail because their tank conditions are not right... and there are so many factors to adjust... and coupled with impatience, lack of funds, or understanding of what's required.... they compromise and 'try try'.... and fail. You can keep SPS adequately but the end goal is to make them grow and color up nicely and not just keep brown SPS corals... that is the enormous challenge.... financially because more often than not... you need a very good skimmer, coupled with strong lights/bigger chiller, strong water circulation, calcium reactor, etc etc. to make this goal happen. Don't go into it if you can't afford it. Don't start what you can't finish.
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