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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Isn't it as simple as adding 1.1% more to your current bill?
  2. I used to have flame angels... I would say most would inevitably end up being a nuisance... they are peckers... and they just love to disturb LPS. It's probably instinct... and you can't train it not to. How? Punish it everytime you catch it nipping your brain corals? Flame angels are not reef-safe but are less prone than other angels to kill corals.
  3. You don't dump sanils into the tank, unless the LFS water and your tank's are the exact same. They need careful acclimatization as they are inverts. They can't regulate the osmotic changes as fast as fishes. Inverts are sensitive to ammonia, nitrites, nitrates... something is killing them and I suspect it is one of the above. Or is there a predator killing them? Crabs?
  4. Actually, mangrove is the worst nutrient exporter of them all. They require MH to grow. And you need a LOT of them to be effective. Fern is a caulerpa too. The best macroalgae to use that won't crash easily is chaetomorpha or bryopsis. The only problem with bryopsis is that it may spread to the main tank.
  5. Best if you can pick up a good coral book that tells you the requirements of each coral species. Trying by personal experience may mean that you will waste money and time. Or you can tap on other reefer's experience... but you have to give specific ID so we know which species you're talking about.
  6. It was highlighted in this post here. ------------------------------------------- Juz to share wiz all reefer, that company making eido chiller is no longer exist. My fr which chiller is having problem nw is not able to get techanical support, he was very furious as he spending so much money buying it. He is trying to souce for technican to get it fix. My opinion was to get a chiller distrubuted by a shop that is reliable, able to give warranty and techanical support. Those who buy this chiller best of luck to all. --------------------------------------------- I was personally told by the C**** *a** boss that he has returned his Eidos chiller twice to be fixed coz there were problems with the chiller (something to do with water flow). On the other hand, his RR chiller's still running well. He bought one of each to try on his display tanks. Got this info first hand... so it's not just a rumour anymore that Eidos chillers have design problems. Can anyone verify if they have really closed shop?
  7. SPS corals love current.... I am assuming yours is LPS corals? Try large volume but low pressure current makers like the lower volume models of Tunze streams. Powerheads have very high velocity jet flow and can be damaging to any coral.
  8. Suggest you try conventional phyto culturing methods as practiced by bawater and myself, before embarking on these so-called 'easy to culture all in one' methods... you quickly realise how important it is to keep seperate cultures to prevent cross-contamination and how important it is to not 'put all your cells in one basket', so to speak.
  9. Most sponges are non-photosynthetic. So they can grow without much light/no light. Some are. But the main bulk of their energy requirements come from filterfeeding on phytoplankton and to a lesser extend on bacteria flocs like 'marine snow'. If you feed live phytoplankton, you should see them explode. I have so much sponges in my tank, some of them are growing on my SPS corals. Most sponges bought will not survive long in new hobbyists' or unestablished tanks due to poor water flow, lack of ample food or nuisance microalgae overgrowth on their surfaces. Packing of sponges and acclimatization when putting it into your tank is also key in their survivial. Most often than not, air bubbles trapped in their body interferes with respiratory and feeding functions.... and they will turn white and die. AT
  10. I am going to produce a show that will be a hit! It's gonna be called... "XENIA... Coral Princess!" Hahahhaaha!!!
  11. Xenia?? You have been reefing too long! It's Xena, warrior princess!
  12. Nice pix! I too have a pix of a sea snake eating fish.... or rather, a fish-eating sea snake. Took it at a jetty... saw it between planks... rather cool... a little blurred though...
  13. Let me see.... a shell, four wheels, transmission, engine and other subsystems.
  14. 60ppm per day?? That's unpossible for a LPS tank!! Did you miscalculate?
  15. Bum, Loud clicking sounds may not always correctly indicate a mantis shrimp. Clicking sounds can be caused by pistol shrimps or even large snails esp, trochus or turban snails, that can rotate their bodies quickly and repeatedly, knocking their shells on the glass, making loud clicking sounds! I recommend midnight inspections and checking your livestock bodies for scarring. Or you can set a mantis trap to catch them, if any.
  16. Agreed.... majano anemones are pests.
  17. I have kept them before. Watch that they don't shoot out of your tank. My current one has tried committing suicide twice. Idiot fish.
  18. You have the world's first coralline eating AT! Really really odd!
  19. I was getting my eardrums broken inside Singapore Expo.
  20. Thanks, Paullokekk! You nailed it right on the head! And thank you for your compliment. Hope SRC will benefit and unite all the marine hobbyists in Singapore for all time to come...
  21. Depending on species... bristleworms can be beneficial to the sandbed as scavengers once you get past how ugly they look. Some are fisheaters but they are the meanest looking one with huge jaws, with clear body separations looking very much like a centipede or millepede. Best to take a photo first for positive ID!
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