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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Anthia 1 and 2 is Pseudanthias Squamipinnis sp. Commonly called lyretail anthias or scalefin anthias. Anthia 1 is the female. Anthia 2 is male.
  2. Euphyllia sp. Common name: frogspawn coral.
  3. My wife again! Went back to office on Sunday at Shenton Way. Parked at side of road... went toilet with colleague... came back.. kenna booked. Where should I write in to LTA/TP? Anyone with experience?
  4. Since you know that your dosing of kalk as topup exceeds your low rate of evaporation and affecting your salinity... logic dictates that you will have to speed up evaporation!! Use fans! You can't use saltwater... you will cause chemical imbalance in your saltwater composition - causing precipitation of calcium and affecting alk!
  5. Hmmm... then maybe reef racks may be in order... barracuda?
  6. Tigger... arrrggh!! It was a LIGHTER on top of another LIGHTER! I better go amend my original post!
  7. Yes, some wrasses do that. It's similar to how a parrotfish can be found in mucus cocoons, asleep under ledges at night. The mucus masks their body scent from predators.
  8. What do you mean? Like quicksand??
  9. Huh? Are there vineyards here in Singapore producing wine? Are you referring to a beer distillery like Brewerks? Had too much beer?
  10. You have cyanobacteria. It's part of the algae cycle as your tank matures. It will stay as long as your filtration system is still inmature/inadequate due to too much nutrients in your water still unprocessed/removed. A very good skimmer will help alot. Frequent water changes may be necessary to export out high levels of dissolved organics or the usage of macroalgae in your refugium that absorbs nutrients to be harvested out. Don't add any more bioload, cut down on feeding. Reduce your photoperiod. They all help. Do a search on SRC... we have covered this before.
  11. Interesting! You must document the changes to the sandbed as it matures...
  12. OOOOPS!!!! Lol!! I meant another LIGHTER, that was on top of this exploded LIGHTER!!! LOL! I typed too fast again! Must have been too hungry! Dinner was fabulous - potato rosti, swedish meatballs, escargot! Sorry folks for the misunderstanding! Anyway... I repeat... my wife is not insane... nor suicidal... nor resentful... nor trigger-happy! Anyway... I'm glad that the other lighter didn't explode. It was full. Wife threw it away out of fear... I quote her "I rather throw away 20 cents than have one blow up in my face!"....
  13. Actually, for a 3ft tank... you do seem quite overstocked. Your AT may not do so well too... a 2 month tank is quite young for it. Your filtration system will be taxed heavily... and with garden eels affecting the denitrification benefits of a properly set up (and undisturbed) DSB... you're in danger of a crash or a major nuisance algae outbreak soon, IMO. Just keep a close eye on your water quality or we'll see you restocking your livestock in a few weeks/months time.
  14. I am tempted to convert my empty cube refugium into a species only tank for garden eels. I can easily do a 12 inch DSB, leaving me with 6 inch of water for an eel garden!
  15. Hah?? She is lovingly cooking me a nice dinner... not sulking in the kitchen. She smokes because of work stress... that is the excuse she gave me. I like the way you think though... women love that!
  16. In western countries, space is not a premium. When they talk about sumps... its almost like a small pond with the huge rubbermaid tubs they use... not like our tiny glass sumps we have under our stand. Its this common misconception that people think that a DSB in a tiny compartment in glass sumps will work when viewed in the same context, other reefers' sumps more often than not, are bigger in volume compared to their main tanks!!!!
  17. Hee hee.... just measure your calcium levels.. keep it to 420 to 540ppm.
  18. Sorry... its a joke! Just felt it was a very odd question!!! Don't take it seriously. Seriously... you will damage your pumps first due to calcium buildup before you hurt your fishes. It is not good to have an overdose of any single one of the many components of saltwater.
  19. You can try phyto for a few days... move on to rotifers. Very very very low chance of survival. Just feed them to your tank.
  20. They will suffer from overgrowth of their skeleton and you will see their eyes shrink inside their oversized eye sockets. Their spines will poke past their skin and their fins will tear because of the overgrowth. Their teeth tends to grow too big until they can't close their mouths.
  21. Here. Found a thread in RC that explains the limitations of mangroves and the requirements. I think a lot of people fail because they don't research enough. They have estimated you need one mangrove pod per 6 gals of water before you see them working as an effective nutrient exporter. And your sump cannot be too deep because they need their roots to be exposed to air. And your sump must be really huge.... to accommodate enough mangrove plants!
  22. Yup... they grow too slowly to be a good nutrient exporter... and they really need strong light to grow their leaves above water. For most of us with inside cabinet sumps, there is no space to grow mangroves. They do better in muddy substrates too.
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