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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. huh?? What's up with everyone today?? My question unclear? I repeat, in simple language. Do you like the colours of my reef under my combined 6500k and Ushio blues? or it can be better?
  2. Damn! I feel hungry already! I recommend the Ocean Curry fish head at Toa Payoh Lor 8 market!
  3. Where's Joe_p... I seriously don't know what to rename this thread into... My reef has a way monster appetite for calcium? My reactor isn't working? How to tune it? JOE! Where are you???
  4. This is your last chance, Calciumreef, after this, there is no going back. You take the blue pill and the story ends.You wake in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. Remember that all I am offering is the truth..... Once you are in the Reeftrix... you can see 40 drops a sec... no... you will FEEL the 40 drops a sec. if you are the ONE, you can become 40 drops a sec!
  5. Frankly, I don't think that container of coral chips will contribute much towards the reduction of NO3 via NNR. Neither will a container of fine sand. For effective NNR to work, the DSB should be equal or larger in terms of surface area as your main tank... so that's why you should have your DSB in your main tank and you cannot expect that just a little compartment or tub with a DSB is gonna work. Still, its better than nothing. Too bad you can't change out your #4 sandbed for a #0 or #1 DSB. If you could, you will see better nitrate reduction, naturally. Finally, I don't think your sump has that high a current flow that your proposed #1 sand will fly out... get a fibreglass netting to hold it down then. Hope this helps. AT Since your coral chips are in a tub... it's simple enough to bin everything by taking it out. Your statement 'coral chips produce nitrates' can be highly misinterpreted by newbies. They do not, by themselves, produce nitrates. Coral chips WILL trap detritus, leading to higher nitrates when they decompose.
  6. Huh? My glass? Sigh! Never asked you to look at my glass!
  7. First time in SRC, ah... BOTAK!!! The hot sun in Tekong burnt your brains izzit?? Keep your attachments to 700 pixel width!!! LOng time never come in onli kenna scolding... *sigh* In BMT kenna terkan...in SRC also...
  8. There you go... Hon's done a 10% review already! Do a proper one leh!
  9. Hi, quite a lot of you have been to my place to look at my reef tank. As you know, I have successfully mixed Iwasaki 6500k bulbs with Ushio Blue bulbs together (without any banding)... and I must say that I am happy with the results personally. The sakis' high PAR and brightness really gave a lot of growth to my SPS corals and the ushio blue serves to counter the saki's greenish-yellow colour... blending the overall look into... a pleasant white. Just like to get some comments if you think that the 65k and blue bulbs combined gives you... a feeling that ... it looks good & natural... (as in full spectrum colours and not slanting into unnatural colours when viewing the reef)? or.... none of the above. If so, pls give me your 2 cents worth. I am asking this just to consider whether changing out my 6.5k bulbs to a 10k bulb would make my corals look better... I don't mind sacrificing growth due to the reduced PAR...(what an irony!).... for visually better colours. The new Coralvue 10k bulbs are catching my eye... hehehe....
  10. So... going by a full fledged IKS system (Hon, believe you need 2 IKS systems right) monitoring EVERYTHING... you are talking about spending over $10k! *gulp*
  11. Cost! My friend, cost!!! If you can get hold of TTboy to do a review... he uses one too. The amount of money spent on these computers alone can rival my tank setup costs!
  12. I'm just pulling your leg lah!! At 40 drops a sec... its a stream already!!!! IMO, anything past 10 drops/sec is almost a stream already! Hoping Joe_p will show up and explain it to us... coz he hasn't replied since posting this up.
  13. You humans are so inferior. You need bionic eyes for that! Well... what I would do is I use a countdown timer for 10 secs... and count off the drops and stop once the beeper sounds. Then divide results by 10. Repeat experiment 3 times... you will come up with an average result. Works for me! Dunno about Joe_p.
  14. I go everywhere in SG.... u have to really move around... the right time, the right place, the right luck and you'll find the specimens you want. I get my SPS from a few sources over the past year and half... Paradise Reef, Reef World, New Trio, Ocean Planet... too many to name... like I said... sometimes there is a drought and nothing for months but when they come in... you better hope you have a lot of money on standby to snap them all up! Anyway, I suggest you put more money into your tank setup in preparation for SPS... it's not cheap to keep them well.
  15. I can edit it for you... what do you want the poll questions to be?
  16. Squirrelfishes are predators of small fishes and shrimps. They may behave if you feed them enough.
  17. My sump is just a simple tank with only carbon and rowaphos bags inside. No partitions for filter floss or sand. Nothing to show. Most people express surprise at my sump... but my sump is what its suppose to be.. just a water catchment area for my pumps.
  18. Is your water level fluctuating? You should utilise a float switch so your dosing only happens water level drops slightly. I recommend the TUBBY system... works well for me!
  19. Is Saddam Hussein an Iranian PR? Wah lau eh... this is really a shot in the dark... machiam Sleepless in Seattle!
  20. Here we go again.. Tanzy... pls tell him once and for all that she does NOT look like sammi cheng!! And you guys can guess what sign we are flashing to Spiderone...
  21. A CBS will catch and eat small fishes if it can, from my experience. Very territorial, especially when they pair up.
  22. Hello!! You don't have to kill acro crabs!! They are only doing what nature has intended for them!! It's a symbiotic relationship with the acropora corals they are hosted in!!! They are merely chasing away predators of corals. Your BT was asking for it by resting on an acro! They do not eat fishes! They are mainly filter feeders or perhaps eating acro slime and stuff trapped in the acro branches.
  23. A berlin system has a few limitations: lesser livestocking & control of overfeeding, more frequent water changes to maintain water quality. What that LFS taught your friend is probably wrong (not surprisingly). Those bubbles from the glass bottom is oxygen bubbles from the photosynthesizing microalgae on the glass bottom... NOT nitrogen bubbles... there is no substrate where denitrification takes place in a Berlin system. For a Berlin system to succeed, you need a very good skimmer as a mechanical filter and LOTS of good quality LR to wortk as the primary biological filtration... and regular vacuuming of the glass bottom to prevent detritus from rotting. Tanks with a sandbed usually have creatures to process detritus eg. pods and worms. You can add brittlestars and sea cukes to help too.
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