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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. yup that should be the same AT! Reserved for Glare!
  2. Nice sohal... and AT! Seems like all the attention is on the AT instead! Hahaha! Are the fins healing up? When it was still at ML, noted that the fin conditions were deteriorating. Should be better now? Lucky, SRC got no Tang Police... in RC, you sure kenna big time one!
  3. Aiyah... whatever was secret then... no longer secret today already... our Navy submarines are already back home & operational... it was fun putting AA missiles on the deck though. Looking at stealth ship designs was also cool! Errr... did i say too much?
  4. What year ah... wah lau... let's see... I RODed in 1994! Pulau Brani in Shipwright Dept. Spent last 6 mths in Gombak... naval plans. Doing secret stuff.... if I tell you, I have to kill you.
  5. The best reefsafe wrasses are fairy wrasses. Take your pick... there's more than a dozen species... but only a handful comes in to SG.
  6. It's their stress colouration. It turns dark at night too... the blotches on its body helps it to remain camouflaged at night... not good for a brightly coloured fish to be easily spotted at night by hungry sharks & other predator fishes! Don't worry... they are extremely hardy fishes. Mine was so paper thin when I bought it (out of pity) and he has fattened up considerably since.
  7. oh. I have forgotten what these are! LOL! There have been zero for so long I have stopped testing for them a couple of years ago! I guess you can say my tank's matured enough already. Even my new DSB setup a year ago's sparkling clean and white. Have not experienced cyano or diatoms for a very long time already... touch wood!
  8. 8 - 9 for a mushies tank is no problem. You don't have to get it up to 10 actually.
  9. Hey hey! I said peeves... not to single out people!
  10. Fire glass?? You mean starphire glass?
  11. LOL! We should bring dispar out for a party night out since he has come into maturity... aheh... sweet 16... gosh... he's half my age! Bwilly, you're in charge!
  12. hmmm... well.. that does put certain things into perspective now! At least, I now understand where you're coming from. You definitely don't fall into that category of newbies then! Should have read your signature more closely too! Heheh. Maybe it was kinda late when I made that post... I was up till like 4.30 in the morning looking thru the forum. Since you were 'rushed' into a tank setup.... well... it may be too late to undo things... now that you are under pressure from the people around you to do things fast and right... don't be a hurry to stock up.... as the cycling stage itself will take a month. Rush through it and you will spend more $$ and time rectifying problems. Trust me.... only bad things happen fast in this hobby!
  13. Hey!! It's Dispar and sjsheng's birthday today!! Let's hear it for both of them!!!!
  14. LOL! Yeah, I must sounded like a real nag recently. But I think SRC has been around long enough to have probably every possible question being answered before... so please let your fingers do some walking.
  15. Every hobbyist should be keeping their tank parameters ideally at levels replicating NSW. NSW is a fine balance where every parameter affects another... or affects livestock. For instance, did you know at diff PH, ammonia toxicity can increase a lot more? That at diff temp, your salinity measurements will read differently? Test, test and test... your livestock will thank you.
  16. Hope this will never happen to me but I have two huge Toyogo tubs and many pails to house my LS should anything happen!
  17. Use a graphics software to change the width!
  18. Hmm.... maybe I should move this to the Mature 18 forum?
  19. Salinity PH Alk Calcium Magnesium Strontium phosphates temperature I run an SPS tank with a few LPS, so I have to test quite often to ensure stable water parameters.
  20. Joachim... maybe you should post it in a new thread... because its off topic. Even though its your own thread! UGFs are a disaster for marine tanks. They work well for freshwater, not saltwater. You have to understand sandbed theory and how nitrates are caused. IMO, that book's kinda out of date, by a decade!
  21. I'll start. 1. Newbies who don't bother researching the basics and starting up a marine tank, then asking a lot of basic questions. Seriously. It irks me to no end. I spent so much time learning & researching on my own when I first started out in this hobby before I even dared to ask anyone else about how things work... and I believe it was about IDing a scolymia or cynarina coral. And I can't figure out why most people nowadays can't do the same thing! 2. Experienced reefers who have been in SRC for a long time, keeping low profile and not helping out with newbie questions. 'Nuff said. You know who you are. I await your answers.
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