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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. If not for these reasons... having wood in a marine tank is quite unnatural-looking. But its not out of place for a malawi cichlid tank!
  2. fab, My sump is empty... no coral chips and no DSB there. My DSB is in my main tank. Technically, you need to have a DSB that is matched with the same surface area of your main tank to be effective. Having coral chips in a DSB will cause more bad things than good. They really serve no purpose except for aerobic bacteria to grow on ie. produce more nitrates. Having detritus getting stuck in a coral chips filled compartment will also cause a buildup of more nitrates. Hope my explanation is as clear as mud.
  3. Technically, yes. Any material with ample surface area will be colonised by bacteria. The only reason why I say coral chips don't have much use in sumps is because of the size of the grains allow too much detritus to get trapped in them and cause nitrates to rise when they break down. And also, the right kind of bacteria (anaerobic bacteria) will not colonise a DSB based on coral chips... unless its like a metre of more deep... hehehe...
  4. MillionaireMachine, Hi.. can you be more descriptive in your thread title in future? It won't waste people's time coming in to check out a thread that doesn't reflect the content. Read this! Thanks! AT
  5. Yes, my friend, you did. You should start your own thread. Imagine if you started a thread talking about apples, and people come in to talk about cars and dogs and aeroplanes? Understand now? I will have to delete these past few posts now... more work for the admin.
  6. Aku, You're off topic and its quite rude to hijack someone else's thread. You are new to the hobby and inexperienced and have yet to learn about basic reefkeeping. You SHOULD NOT venture into SPS coral keeping because I can guarantee you that you will be killing them and wasting money. AT
  7. Hydrogen sulfide, not peroxide. I think it's the way you speak english that i can't understand what you're saying... its ok. I think I get what you're trying to say. Anyway, this thread is not about the use of denitrators... its about a Seachem product called De*nitrate actually!
  8. You have to feed them with phyto initially, then to live rotifers, moving them up to fresh hatched baby brine shrimp (BBS). You have to know which stage of growth they are in. But I must tell you its a lost cause. I tried before and they don't last long. You need to ensure good water quality while ensuring enough food for them. You can't use canister filters so water changes is probably the only option. IMO, just let them be naturally coral food.
  9. Interesting fact, Cedric. Thanks for the info.
  10. Akumanohi. You really need to read this IMMEDIATELY!! Don't start a marine tank until you understand everything.
  11. Ben... I can't understand what you are saying.
  12. LOL! I think he meant Deep Sand Bed.. not Dead Sand Bed!! GAC is not the same as ordinary carbon. Its a much higher grade carbon.
  13. Yeah agree with Tanzy. Used it before with no noticeable effects. Expensive lesson for a newbie then. That products is basically a media which is manufactured supposedly with an anaerobic core. I still find it hard to believe that oxygen could disappear within a few micro-millimetres when one compares it to a DSB which is so much thicker. Probably it does, but I think one would need a very very large volume to rival a DSB. Imagine the price!
  14. Nope you can't and shouldn't. Carbon is an absorbent. Once it does its job, and its saturated, its useless and has to be disposed.
  15. Yeah... gonna use back my Mandarin Hat AT again! You! Stop shaking your b*lls... and look pretty again!
  16. Err.. thanks, Ben. However, using carbon for max 1 day is too short. You won't maximise its use. Using the carbon for 1 week and not using it for the next 3 subsequent weeks may be better.
  17. Hammer, I will delete posts that do not describe their contents accurately next time. Pls comply. Read THIS!!
  18. Hmmm... Little Lost Fish aka Dispar_anthias seems to have gone missing.... hope he didn't think something's wrong with his account!! Maybe I should change his nick back! Hee hee!!
  19. All GAC will absorb some trace elements from the water. But it's easily replaced with water changes and dosing of additives. Newbies seem to panic over depletion of trace elements when they can't even get their basic parameters under control. There are only a few trace elements that can be tested with test kits... and worth testing for.. (please get good test kits)... and don't dose what you can't test for. Too much can lead to heavy metal buildup.
  20. Reefez Carbon Plus 450ml $12.50 As long as you keep it airtight in the bottle, it'll last. Says "Treats up to 200 gallons for several months." on the label. Like Seachem's. (But remember the recommended usage).
  21. Yes, but it also results in a wider narrower jet of water that could go further than a wide muzzle opening would give.
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