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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Checked with Dr Chill. Website down coz moving to new webhost. It's still business as usual for him.
  2. Tahir69.... add your name to the order list. Details will be in this thread.. not here.
  3. I never trusted Chemi-pure. Seachem is the best in the market for years. Hopefully the Reefez Carbon Plus is a good contender coz I am switching to it as it is a quite close to the Seachem version and cheaper too!
  4. Artica chillers are underpowered...
  5. Wow... the rectangular one is that long?? Errr.... I have to amend my designs. Is that the standard size?
  6. Get a proper divecomp and not a divewatch! Get the Uwatech Aladin Pro!!
  7. I highly recommend the Reef Relief and Titanium chillers. Good stuff!! Good heat exchange, silent, good customer service! EIDOS has been confirmed down and out of the market due to too many problems with their design. I have used Teco chillers in the past. Also quite good. But superseded by T/RR chillers, esp. price!!
  8. Overdoing both hyposalinity and hypersalinity will kill anything!
  9. Heard its gonna be way past the witching hour... pity those guys who have to work the next day...
  10. Actually... I do have an SRC Car Decal design but I still can't decide the best size!!! You guys prefer square or rectangular? How about you give me an exact size... and I'll call a vote? AT
  11. I'm referring to this anemone which looks bleached. Compare the body to the green bubble tip you have.
  12. Trap your shrimps temporarily or give them something to eat and distract them first. Prawns are fine.
  13. Well, to quote my aunt's philosophy "Don't blame others...blame yourself!" To quote a famous saying... "There's a sucker born every minute". DON'T BE ONE!! Knowledge is the most important key to success, not only in the reefing arena. READ! READ! READ!!!!
  14. BTW, your anemone looks bleached. Try feeding it with meaty foods before it dies from starvation as its zooxanthellea is no longer there providing it energy from photosynthesis. Try selecting an anemone with more brown or green 'colour' in its body tissue. Although whitish or pale anemones may look beautiful.... they are often doomed.
  15. Sigh... I think one of the lessons that most reefers will tell you is that to take all advice from LFS with a bucket of salt. Its best for the hobbyist to research from updated marine books or the internet. Puffers are carnivorous. They eat corals, sponges, small fishes, sea urchins and other echinoderms like starfish, sea cukes as well as other small crustaceans like crabs, shrimps and snails.
  16. Did you know before buying them that they are not reefsafe?
  17. Is that two puffers I see in your reef tank?
  18. Too much air trapped in the flakes. Squeeze them before swirling them hard into your water. They should sink. With dry flakes, I hold them underwater near a powerhead and release them. They will mostly remain underwater without floating up to the surface.
  19. No problem. You can start off understanding what phytoplankton is here
  20. Rav, how about you describe how you setup your tank and what's your setup like first?
  21. That's the thing about nudibranchs... not enough research done on identifying what they really eat. And there are so many species of nudibranchs! Their diet ranges from corals to sponges to algae... They also have very short lifespans. Beautiful creatures. But better left in the wild.
  22. I think you have to take basic theory first, before advanced theory, before you venture into practical lessons before you go on the road.
  23. That's not a sea bunny. It's a nudibranch. Exactly the same one I shot underwater at Trang. Here's my photo... It's in this thread about my Trang dive photos. IMO, you should not buy something you know nothing about. You will save yourself a lot of grief and money with this advice.
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