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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Check out this link from Liveaquaria Don't mistake this for the very common camel shrimps which are not reefsafe.
  2. I bought 4 peppermint shrimps... they have wiped out every single aiptasia in my tank! I recently found 3 again recently... one with eggs...! They are really good hiders, active at night. Only the biggest one comes out during the day.
  3. You need to ID your corals better. That looks like a brown torch coral with white tips.
  4. Nice pix! What mode were you on with your G5?
  5. You really can't stop such fishes from jumping out of your tank. Water level doesn't matter. If something spooks it enough... it'll jump out. You can use eggcrate but you'll block a lot of light going into your tank.
  6. Corals carry diseases & pathogens and they can spread very quickly too. RTN can spread in a few minutes and the next hour, you will see tissue peeling off from affected neighbouring corals. I am talking about SPS corals in this instance. LPS can spread brown jelly disease and other maladies... so rather than risk the main display tank... a quarantine tank for observation and treatment is good. But too many people are too impatient and lazy to bother. That's why many of us have parasitic flatworms or nudibranchs in our tanks... or suffer the consequences of RTN spreading in our tanks. Same reason why we have ich and marine velvet or isopods in our tanks.
  7. Hi Midman, Welcome to SRC and sorry to hear of your plight. I hope you will learn to keep a successful reef tank in the future and the key to success is knowledge and patience. To answer u: 1. A Sea Apple is not called a Sea Grenade for nothing. They should not be even sold to the hobby trade in the first place. They are highly toxic and will guranteed a total tank nuke once they are injured or dead. In fact, you may have to even throw out your sandbed and LR because the toxins may still be in there. (That may have still caused your other livestock to die). 2. 3 kg of LR will not function as a good biological filter in terms of denitrification. I suspect you have high nitrates in your tank. The overhead filter and canister will contribute to that and do nothing for denitrification. How old is your tank BTW? 3. Can you let us know your water parameters? eg. salinity, ph, ammonia, no2, no3 levels etc? Prior to the crash and after. Don't worry too much about low levels of calcium... its not as important as the above parameters. 4. Can you explain to us how exactly you setup your tank?
  8. Man... that's the worse case of overcrowding I have ever heard in a reef tank! 19 fishes in a 2ft tank?? I think you should really really read up more about the marine hobby... you should be providing an eco-system that will sustain the good health and well-being of your tank inhabitants and not a living hell. Sorry if the words hurt... I'll try to explain it to you in a different way to make you understand. Imagine if you are stuffed into a wardrobe to live in the rest of your days with a small potty for a toilet that is cleared once every 2 days and only 1 tiny hole for air circulation. After 3 days... imagine the stench and pollution inside... hope you get an idea what your fishes go through. Now imagine if someone covered that airhole and took away that potty and you have to do your business on the floor. Tell me what's your state of health once your oxygen supply runs out or your excrement doesn't make you sick. That is in effect what you have subjected your fishes with. Don't torture your fishes this way. Please. Don't restart your tank until you study what goes into a proper setup... and teach your mum too. Understand your responsibilities as a reefer. Put yourself in their shoes... if you can't give them a proper home... don't even start this hobby. Be a responsible and conscientious hobbyist or don't.
  9. I can report him to your school for abusing interns!
  10. Yeah... but yours at 7.1 will have a much lesser cal and alk release rate. You should have it up to min 7. I keep mine now 6.60.... 6.88 being ideal for ARM. My corals are growing so fast I will probably have to frag a lot of them by year end.
  11. Seriously.. don't. No serious reefer would put a tree log in a reef tank. And if it leaches acids into the water... you will have a hard time trying to keep PH up...
  12. Heh heh heh... gonna slap one on my father-in-law's car too! So how about all your SRC car owners... give me a suggested size first? Maybe do a round up of all your current decal size and we'll pick the average size. AT
  13. Tell Lester I am gonna send him a BIG BILL for all the past advertising in SRC very soon! :lol: Jokin'!
  14. Tanzy can... but he is probably still on the plane. Should have touched down in Heathrow by now.
  15. Priority seating for the children of the couple who had ###### and gave birth in this train?
  16. Octo... yeah we are all guessing that... but its supposed to be a sign indicating priority seating for the above people... the eccentric japs must have gone over the cliff about this one then.
  17. Well... the post came from you... and let's just say... a lot of it... is.... that sort of things...
  18. In actual practice... most reef tanks would have enough dissolved organics to saturate the carbon within the first 2 weeks, rendering it useless... keeping it for 6 months will see the carbon turn into a biological filter!
  19. You sure its a priority seating sign??? It definitely looks like it has sexual connoctations!!
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