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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Oh yeah... a suggestion from someone: Only people with corporate email accounts can register in SRC. Everyone else with 'free' email accounts from Yahoo, Hotmail etc. will not be able to use SRC! Like Arofanatics? What do you think? But I strongly disagreed because of the fact that many of us (me included) don't have corporate emails or don't like to use them because they may be transient if we change jobs and for those which you have to pay for them.... there will be individuals esp. students, who may not afford them.
  2. You guys think that Andrew will ever show up?
  3. Even if you use the same make and model... subtle differences will affect both and make one perform a little better than the other. Eg. slight differences in the workmanship or operations will affect how much foam is produced eg. needlewheel impeller damage (where applicable), the smoothness of the wall surfaces due to imperfections or even slime, coralline algae, microalgae buildup, how often you clean the collection cup, blockage of your venturi valve... etc. In theory it sounds plausible... but in practice... it doesn't work that way.
  4. Vinoth.... dynamic IP simply delays tracking. But end of the day... all tracks lead to one source. How do you think our ISD people are able to track dissidents or JI operatives? Just don't want to bother a sworn bro 'in high places' for such petty matters... you can run but you can't hide. Even in cyberspace. In fact, I was just discussing this matter with an SRC friend who deals with IT security. I was just telling him that it may not be necessary to make membership at SRC so difficult as he suggested... but perhaps I am wrong. I was considering different access levels for: 1. Verified reefers having just one login who will be added into the SRC genuine member database by means of submitting personal data and thus granted full access. 2. Casual surfers who don't want to be added into the SRC database but are heavily restricted to what they can do... maybe not even able to post... basically having the same status as 'Guests'. It seems we have to lose a bit of freedom to prevent abuse of anonymity and having people who come here to 'make trouble'. I really don't want to do this but it seems we are having a lot of jokers & loose cannons coming in these days.
  5. Flub, If I want to be mean... I would have banned his account.. traced his IP and ban his other accounts as well. And then some. I'm just giving him a chance to explain himself.... if its a misunderstanding or miscommunication between his friend and himself... I'll let it go. But don't take it out on me. He dragged my good name thru the mud.... don't forget that. I like to also know how his brain works... because I'm gonna pick up human psychology 101.... and then attempt to please EVERYONE... which I can't. I just think its quite spineless to set up an account to come here and shoot off once and disappear.... So Andrew... prove me wrong and explain yourself. AT
  6. Hmmm... looks like there's a market for such a device then!! I'm gonna submit my patent for a temperature controllable peltier heatsink ceramic laptop cooler with inbuild lap massaging function! It'll be a sell out... I just need some investment funds... any angels around? Till then... I'll look around for the $20 device and make do.
  7. LOL! That's funny... hoppinghippos... ! Anyway... I wanted to post up what I did for my wifey last VD but decided against it to preserve my manly MCP status.. Aiyah... VD is overated... dun get pressurized!!! AT
  8. Do they really reduce a lot of heat? And prevent heat from reaching your skin?
  9. Hmmm... any good brands/models to recommend? Err.. how much will it cost me? Do they really reduce a lot of heat? And prevent heat from reaching your skin?
  10. What an oxymoron... a laptop that you can't put on your lap because of the intense heat generated by today's laptop! Anyone knows of a gadget in the form of a flat base that can be attached below the laptop, with a USB powered fan(s). It's also stupid to have to reboot your laptop because the heat eventually slows it down significantly. ps - its my wife's laptop... and she's always griping about it too.
  11. Turn it upside down... a healthy starfish will right itself immediately. You can see its tiny feet waving about... if they are retracted or still.... buy a star shaped coffin.
  12. If the flesh is completely gone from the skeleton... I'm sorry... its gone. You can break off the branch or allow nuisance algae to grow on it.
  13. One PS will always outperform the other. There are diminishing returns to use multiple PS in one system. Better to use one superduper PS than 10 lousy ones, IMO.
  14. Hopefully, it will recover if it didn't completely expel its zooxanthellea to photosynthesize. Once its stored energy is gone... it'll go. Some clams will take some time to die once this happens. When they start gaping. And the whole mantle is shrunken back inside the shell. The clam will also be unresponsive to movement above it and it won't show the reflex action of shutting its shell as a protective measure.
  15. If you don't respond within another two days...I will call Deon and get hold of your caucasian friend to clarify things... would you like that?
  16. If you have your MSN account entered into your profile... the MSN button will be there under your Signature. Not everyone has MSN or wish to reveal it, For example, take a look at Shiraz... he has the MSN and YIM buttons appearing... and I don't.
  17. Andrew.... where are you? I'm calling you out.
  18. Wow! You're going to the US? Just wear an SRC T-shirt there! LOL!
  19. Dyed anemones are usually bleached anemones which are colourless and pale. They are injected or soaked with a food dye to give them an attractive colour. Bleached anemones need feedings of meaty foods to survive as their symbiotic zooxanthellea are missing and thus they can't make energy from intense light. They will die if they can't catch any food. When they die and rot... the dye will be released and you will find your skimmer cup containing bright colours. RAV - maybe you can post a pix? If its not a dyed anemone, then it may be possible you have a 'rare' type of anemone and you can still do your sale!
  20. Andy... pls post QUESTIONS about equipment here and NOT in the Product Review Forum. If unclear... read this. Anyway.. here's Tanzy's REVIEW on the Tunze Streams found in the REVIEW forum.
  21. You gonna give him a nice welcome smooch, Tanzy?
  22. There are no real yellow anemones. Sorry man... I think you bought a dyed anemone. Can I ask that you don't sell it but give it away or something? Better still if you can return it to the LFS. It's a cruel & unethical LFS/wholesaler/collector practice which many of us hate. Same goes for dyed dendros (carnation corals). I think I'll start an awareness campaign on it soon. Sorry to spoil your sale, dude.
  23. Thanks dude! I'll send you a bill if something should happen to my tank!
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