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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Moon coral (favia) for sale. Need to clear it away to make space for my acros. Asking for $20. Kept it for a long time... a survivor of two heat wave episodes... tough specimen! Here's a nighttime shot.
  2. Hon, why don't you unscrew one CV20k bulb and put back your old 10k... and take a photo? We can see the differences of each bulb better then.
  3. Nutx... good suggestion.... but wow.... it's gonna be an incredible amount of work!!!!
  4. Take a pix of the ballast and we'll clear all doubts.
  5. IMO, one per tank is enough. My tank is bigger than yours... and I used to have 2 black donkey dung cukes.... gave one away to Morgan.... and now my remaining dd cuke has grown also twice its size in no time and so has my tigertail cuke. You don't want to starve your sea cukes.
  6. No.... gaping means the that the siphon hole is very very enlarged... and the tissue is stretched so tight, it looks like it's gonna tear. The mantle would usually be receded.
  7. An eggcrate DSB??? No... why would you do that???
  8. I got this info to share: PR's opening hours for this week and the CNY hols: 19,20 Jan (Mon, Tue): 2pm - 8pm 21-26 Jan (Wed-Mon): Closed for CNY
  9. A Plenum and DSB is the same except for that layer of space at the bottom of a plenum. Both require a certain thickness of appropriately sized sand particles to allow aerobic and anaerobic zones for the right kind of bacterial populations to grow and help process ammonia, nitrites & nitrates to harmless nitrogen gas. If you cover every single top surface of your sandbed with LR, you will affect the diffusion of water through the DSB or plenum sandbed. For a DSB/Plenum to function very well, it is recommended to have as much surface area uncovered as possible. That is why I have reef racks built so that very little base LRs will sit on the sand (and also save $$ from having to buy big heavy base LR).
  10. Wow! You avatar's giving me nightmares! If you change it now, I'll give you a good answer!
  11. Ignoring them may work... but has the potential to grow a lot of resentment and negativity. Gossip & wrong info that is not clarified will make things worse. I rather have things thrashed out and a conclusion settled, rather then have things swept under the carpet only to resurface at a later time. The best is to have an external mediator come in but what for? We have to settle our own problems ourselves. SRC is a small community and SG is a small country. Everyone knows someone you know.. and word gets around. You can even expect true blue hobbyists to have misunderstandings between each other (oh yes, it is happening now, had happened before and will happen again) and you know how our asian mentality works. Everybody wants face. I'd rather have a peaceful Utopian community that's easy to manage... but even monks are known to quarrel with each other in a monastery!
  12. I don't have a digi cam with me. Need to buy a new one!
  13. I think what's interesting also that we have to think about is that people will register multiple nicks to add oil to fire/garner support to himself/defend himself/present a different personality/flaming purposes. We have people getting involved in promoting their businesses & products here. (yes, LFS & hobby-related businesses & individuals are included)... and bringing down their competition here in SRC. (It doesn't take a genius to track down a pattern after monitoring what individuals post after a while... its easy to distinguish genuine hobbyists and people with hidden agendas) Yet, I tolerate this and only go after the more obvious commercial threads by giving the benefit of doubt to members who post about certain topics revolving around a certain product or service. If I do tighten membership to 'genuine hobbyists'... there will be a fair number of accounts that will be deleted. First on the list will be people who register and post heated comments and then disappear! 2nd on the list will be people who register and only post excellent comments on a certain business, product or service & discredit another. 3rd on the list will be people who register and post flaming comments on a particular individual and then disappear.
  14. I am suspecting that he's never going to show up. But I'll still give him the two day's deadline to come here and clarify this issue like a man. If anything, it may have jeopardized his relationship with that LFS in question & brought negative publicity to it... what's the issue here? It's so clear cut that he's harping about the chiller only... copyrights?? Sensitivity over my supposed negative comments about the chiller? Even if I DO own Titanium & Reef Relief chillers... and DID say something negative about a competing product... it's still my personal opinion NOT given TO him... it's simply a case of minding his own business isn't it? I know NUTS about this Pacific Coo chiller anyway... Gee.... maybe I should settle this tomorrow... and we can all start the New Year with good cheer.
  15. Anyway... is this Andrew fella ever gonna show up?? I have a good mind to call up Deon and ask his help in locating this individual who's accusing me of something I didn't even say!!!
  16. Yeah... was watching it too! She's a genius! Nice argument.
  17. Your photo is Gigantic and makes viewing a pain. Pls restrict your photos to 700 pixel width. Thanks!
  18. The kopi tiam section was setup for people to discuss stuff aside from reefing. We have gone off topic so many times that if we didn't have the Kopi Tiam section, we'll be lumping things like this issue mixed with coral ID questions. Being a community, the kopi tiam has been a great place for us to relax, seek non-hobby related help & advice... do you guys want the kopi tiam secton closed??
  19. Hmmm.... interesting idea! Subdivide the Kopi Tiam into a Skimmate Section, where crap goes into. But people being people... sigh... Do we delete crap and so deny individuals the right to participate in discussions and 'right the wrong' or do we come up with a system where people are screened before they can participate in SRC?
  20. Hi Barra, Looks like Aro and SRC has the same system as with all the oher portals that I run for my work. (I have 20k members in that one). SRC's rather focused on the marine hobby and we won't need moderators for every single aspect of this hobby, unlike arofanatics which has different freshwater species and a marine section which can be led by people with expertise or respected enough to head them. SRC mods are more to keep things tidy here. And yes, we do have our own Mods Room where we discuss stuff and move nonsense stuff into. Errr.... why is this brought up?
  21. Yeah.. sometimes. Actually, this forum has a 'warning' system. If a member goes out of line... he/she can be issued with a warning by the Admin or a Mod. Once he hits a certain number of warnings issued... ie. a yellow card... his account will be suspended. Maybe I should activate this! AT
  22. Yes, Barracuda... don't worry... I will never make membership chargeable... the club is for hobbyists to gather, share and learn from each other. The ones who wish to make money off these hobbyists should be the same ones to pay for the opportunity ie. advertisers. The question is how do we weed out people who are not serious about the hobby and those who stir up crap? I want to ease tensions and burdens off the admin (oh wait...that's me) and the mods. Sigh!
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