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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Frankly... everyone has different tastes.... so you have to make up your own mind by looking at photos. I'm still waiting for someone to suggest black and yellow polkadots on a pink wall with red & blue zebra stripes on the ceiling.
  2. Actually.... that looks pale blue!
  3. Best to pick up an Interior Design magazine.... there are a lot of ideas there you can pick up for colour themes. IMO, you should paint your walls a light beige colour or even white to balance the dark flooring and furniture. Any other colour may crash with brown.... and make the room look dark. You need contrast.
  4. My chiller is installed across my room next to the window. I use an Eheim pump on a closed loop to my main tank. So its.... Main Tank > Pump > Chiller > Main Tank. I run it direct so that if anything happens to my main circulation pump or I have to take my sump offline... my tank still remains chilled.
  5. Just like since the PC chiller 'incident', there was a Achillles registered with a very dubious email account. Still 0 posts.
  6. I have a baby blue staghorn that has its tissue on one tip blown off because it is 23cm directly in front of my 6080 stream. I also have a brown staghorn with blue tips that has the tissue blown off two tips and that is 43cm away. I do miss my Reeftec as the cone is a lot wider than the Stream... so the pressure wave is a lot of diffused. That's the bad thing about Streams/Reeftecs... they take up a lot of space and you can't place anything directly in front of it. Maybe if the sps is corymbose like humilis or gemmifera? perhaps...?
  7. If its your own house and you are confident of not taking flak from your loved ones for *any* mistakes you may make... just do it! You should practice using the hammer drill first.... go drill your neighbour's wall first! LOL! Frankly... if I were you.... I would wait for a contractor friend to lend me a high powered hammer drill.... the ceiling is probably reinforced concrete.., and if you use an undersized hammer drill... it will take u forever compared to a few seconds with a high powered one. Its extremely tiring... and if you lack arm strength to PUSH upwards and hold the drill steady.... the drill bit will slip and you'll get a crater instead of a straight hole. Best to get a friend to use a vacuum cleaner to suck up all the dust and bits from the hole at the same time u drill. Or spend an hour cleaning your entire house. And cover your tank. Just sharing my experience.
  8. You returning to the hobby? Replacing tyre wear & tear too expensive?
  9. Freshwater PH should be around 7. You can raise it up with Seachem Reef Builder which is a PH additive. I guess you can use kalk but you have to make sure its all dissolved as its caustic and can hurt your fish if it enters their gills.
  10. You have to ensure that the PH is the same as your tank or you will stress your fish. Water temperature is less important but it will be good not to have too much temperature variation. Some fishes do not take freshwater dips very well.
  11. Serious... it's yours for $2... and I dun really care what you do with it...
  12. oops... sorry Yazid... we went off topic!! Hmmm... did I mention that I use a Uwatec Aladin Pro Ultra? Good comp... kenna kapoh by wife for the last few dives already!!
  13. Agreed. But that wasn't our first drift dive at Barracuda Point. But different DM. He did point out that the current that day at BP would be strong... we were aware... what we were angry about is that he knew we have basic diver and they were ladies. He should have gone after the girls instead of just me alone.
  14. Photo too unclear. It does look like a dispar anthia. Does it look like this?
  15. Gee... it adds to the list of unethical people who try to do knockoffs to sell after learning all they can how to duplicate them. Copycats and wannabes. Just don't want to name names but people will find out over time. Sorry to hear this happening to you and cookiemunster.
  16. Okie... okie... mercy... I'll throw in a red gorgonian for a $2.
  17. Man... is he still contactable to give an explanation?
  18. Low PAR means little growth. Little growth means... no bright flourescent growth tips!
  19. Actually, even if I was certified to DM level... I wouldn't want to announce it if I go diving on a leisure dive... you're are somehow automatically expected to keep an eye on the group... even IF they don't ask you to be helping out in the dive. I will probably train to rescue level... just so that I can save others and myself... hmmm... reminds of me of Sipadan where I had to rescue my wife and her friend from being swept away and nearly drowned myself. We were so pissed with the DM... and he had the cheek to show us a black face later on the boat. We were diving at Barracuda Point.... as you know.. it's a drift dive along a rock wall... excellent dive... but towards the middle of the rock wall... the current got really strong and everyone was flying... the DM was between our group and three Russian divers who went off on their own. Three ladies, one basic diver with my wife and another friend, both advanced. But the advanced diver friend is a really petite girl. Anyway... let's just say they got swept far ahead. The DM gave a signal with his left hand pointing right... I understood that as go up the reefwall into the shallows.... I did... but the girls were too far away or didn't see his signal... so I had to speed ahead and tell them to go shallow... too late... they were swept out to open sea as the reefwall abruptly ended and turned right-angled... I think the girls mistook the hand signals as turn right... but once they reach the end of the ledge... they were in danger of being swept out to open sea. So me with a camera... had to go after my wife and my friend. I swam hard after her... grabbed her wrist and pulled her down the reefwall.. going deeper... she was surprised and didn't understand what I wanted to do... to reach the wall and climb upwards... so she struggled, broke free... and was swept away again... I grabbed her again and then I think she understood... kicking so hard...dragging my wife against the current... I reached the wall and we climbed up to the shallows where the current was milder... I then had to go back to get our petite friend who was holding on to a rock and flying like a leaf in strong wind... I dragged her and clawed up the rock wall.... too. In the end... to cut a long story short... all that exertion left my heart pounding and left me out of air... and my dear wife had to swim off to look for the DM who was $#*& in the shallows all along and DIDN'T come for the girls.... he was waiting for the Russians!!!!!! As I approach my wife and told her to share air with me... she struggled to find the alternate air source as she approached... too late... I sucked in hard and filled my lungs with nothing... and understood what it meant to drown because I swallowed water in a reflex action to breath again... as I grabbed her primary....choking.... and man.... to breathe air again... I thought I was gonna drown! Luckily it was the last dive of the day.... we were so exhausted and so mad at the DM who had the cheek to scold the girls for disappearing on him. We just kept quiet because we were so shook up. I wonder what you DMs would do... knowing that there are girls being swept away (and one of them being just a basic diver) and go after them... or wait in the shallows for the rest of the group to catch up?
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