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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. As a followup to Joe_p's query on phyto feeding of a reef tank... just like to know how many SPS keepers are feeding their acros and sps any form of live zooplankton or zooplankton substitutes? I used to culture rotifers but have stopped due to time constraints... been feeding a mixture of Golden Pearls (GP) of 20 - 80 microns size, GPs of 60 - 100 microns size and decapsulated brine shrimp eggs at night when the SPS polyps are all out. I use a 70ml syringe... jab it into the mixed powder until the nozzle is full about 1cm deep... suck in 70ml of tank water... this makes the powder be in suspension... give it a shake if there are any powder still on the water surface inside the syringe... and then insert the syringe underwater in front of my Stream and blast it.... it goes everywhere in my tank.. sometimes I will target blast my acros... its cool to see the polyps capture and eat the GPs! I have experienced faster growth as compared to me just relying on light. How about you guys...? AT
  2. Clownfishes DO NOT need an anemone to survive. You can buy 10 anemones and if the clownfish just likes your plate coral, goniopora... it won't leave it. I don't keeping anemones in a reef tank... do many risk factors involved... and you need to give them excellent water parameters and intense lighting. My tiny false percula (thanks Bawater) is now being hosted by my Torch Coral).
  3. GiantBicycle... You have to learn how to ID your crabs first before deciding whether to keep them or get rid of them. There are many harmless commensual crabs which live on corals and do not harm anything. These are mainly filter feeders and perhaps keep the coral clean of detritus and do serve the function of protecting the coral from predators. The only crabs that need to be killed are the hairy ones... with white eyes... IME... these are the ones that will damage corals. I hardly hear of any crab that will destroy sponges... I have never seen any crabs that hitchhike with sponges sold in the trade. Rock crabs... some people hate them... and will get rid of them. When they get too big, they may be a threat to small fishes like firefishes.
  4. Most shrimps are scavengers... skunks, coral banded, peppermints, camels.. (not sure about the Herlequins)... and will gladly feast on leftover food.
  5. What? Gee... kopi tiam is enough... how much can we talk about our X-box games??
  6. Guys... don't rush down to Coral Farm... they are CLOSED already!! There is some info that they are closing at 4pm today... it's wrong!! Anyway... they will open up next Monday. FYI! AT
  7. Is there a married woman in that picture?
  8. Well... logically, any creature that has a digestive tract will have a poop chute. Tell that to the LFS! Seriously, never take any advice from LFS... without a pinch of salt!
  9. Anyway... I'll be joining the SRC X-box gang soon! Gonna be collecting my free X-box from SCV!
  10. Ah the infamous hand sign that has school teachers and parents all flustered in the states!! Year books will never be the same again!
  11. Huh? That's rubbish. It's only awarded to people who have been in this hobby long enough to qualify in terms of seniority! Those who remember UGFs as state-of-the-art reefkeeping methods, where FL actinics were more expensive then today's MH bulb and AVA & CITIES weren't around yet. Grey hair and bomb-making skills are a bonus!
  12. Alright. You win the Most Obessesed Hitomi Stalker Fan award.
  13. Try using the search function. I believe there were some topics posted before on this about a year back.
  14. Right up the poop chute. It was animation. Not real life actors... But still.... gross!!!!!!!
  15. The only 'living' thing on earth that doesn't poop does not exist. Even bacteria and viruses need to excrete!
  16. So can Morgan! I can't wait to reach the Senior Reefer status and save money on test kits and probes!
  17. Ok... pls do. We look forward to you sharing your tank with us in a new thread. Right now... we have gone off topic. Back to the streams please!
  18. Wah lau!! I am surprised it passed censorship... it's disgusting!! Cutting off eyelids... stepping on a nail thru the foot. sticking a blade between the fingernails... cuttng off fingernails, sticking a finger in the ###### and smelling it... digging the nose and eating the snot... all graphically displayed... yeeuucch!!!!!
  19. Would you like me to amend your title to 'Snow Flake Eel'?
  20. Hi hmkui.... welcome to SRC! What you mentioned is true. We have been trying to educate newbies to SPS keeping the very same things. How long have you kept SPS corals? Like to share some photos? AT
  21. Used to do this for my old tank. But I made my design such for safety ie. what if your sump cracks.... and you have to take your chiller offline while repairs are made? Your tank will overheat!
  22. Yeah... it will.... there would be some loss of cooling due to the distance... but anyway rubber hoses will insulate to some extent. But having my chiller next to my window means a lot of heat is vented out of my room plus my chiller will be more efficient because it doesn't recycle hot air... when I have it under my tank... worse still if it has to be enclosed in a cabinet even with ventilation slits. The use of insulation foam hose will help (is that the right term to describe those black rubber/styrofoam hose that wraps around rubber hoses?)
  23. Spider will say everything should be BLACK.... and eerie green as the highlights.
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