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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. IMO, you should be adding some herbivores like a tang, snails or hermits to help keep the algae in check. Or they may overgrowth the tank without some form of predatory control.
  2. Clownfishes are not fussy. Even a powerhead or LR will do. But they seem to prefer something with wavy tentacles or polyps. My new tiny false percula is currently being hosted by my torch coral. But bear in mind, they may irritate the substitute host coral and they may not open.
  3. If I remembered correctly... I used a dead stinky sotong.
  4. To be more specific... do you mean stuff to aid in the creation of an ammonia source?
  5. If you feed them a lot... yes they will... juvenile Golden Trevallies are really cute when tiny. But they don't seem to last long.
  6. A good skimmer and a not so good one would mean the difference between a stable clean tank and one where you have cyano and hair algae outbreaks, poor coral health, being unable to stock more or feed more.
  7. Barra... I need a full photo to help you ID.
  8. hmmm.... just taking a look at the first photo on the first page posted three months ago.... I can see major changes already! Some of my corals have coloured up a lot more... and my staghorns have really grown alot! Now, if only someone would lend me a Canon G2 camera or come to my place for to help me snap a few! (I no longer have possession of my G2). Today Bawater saw my tank again after more than a year and I don't know how he can remember how my old LPS tank looks like, but he did! AT
  9. If its already brown.... why don't you leave it for a month and see if it colours back up again? Sometimes SPS need more time to adapt to a new change in lighting.
  10. Wait till you try not switching on your MHs! I guess your test results should be good enough for someone who can benchmark against with similar system specs & volume. Because every tank is different... it will be hard to generalise how a chiller will perform in another setup. So what's your personal conclusion to this test?
  11. hazkha, For the last time.... I'm telling you to BE MORE DESCRIPTIVE in your topic title. AND please please post in the correct forum!! You're giving the moderators a lot of administrative work having to move threads and edit titles!! (moving your thread to New to the Hobby).
  12. Nice rockscaping... suggest you make more horizontal ledges (for coral placements) rather than steep vertical walls. Unless you want to see a lot of LR. AT
  13. Don't use too big a tiger prawn.... you don't want to crash your tank with ammonia poisoning! AT
  14. The left side does look a little dimmer. hmmm.....
  15. Is that the full picture or has it been cropped? Why are you asking Bwilly?
  16. Photos taking a long time to load! You're linking from somewhere else? Why aren't you uploading your pix into the SRC server? We have local bandwidth and loads of hard disk space now with our own dedicated server!
  17. I am going to delete all the non-relevant posts in this thread. People... be civil to each other, or I'll have to take some action.
  18. Most chillers including Teco are not specifically made for the tropics. Dr Chill told me that the US/European brands of chillers' compressors and the condensor coils are made much smaller because the target market is the european market where the air is often cooler and drier, making heat exchange much easier. It does make sense to me because car manufacturers often have to 'tropicalise' their continental cars eg. bigger engine fans etc. or they will break down faster due to the tropical heat Perhaps, that explains why the local chillers/asian brands are usually bigger and heavier because the components are over-sized?
  19. Maybe you guys can DIY your cement LR... transport it to the sea via lorry... dump it off a pier or somthing... tie it all together first with a rope and float... then retrieve it 6 months later! You probably need a crane or pulley system though! It'll just be like LR!!
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