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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. He can certainly try again. I already have a log of all internet activity to my server. I have his IP address and other details. I know which ISP he uses and will use in future. I'm just itching to BRING the house down on him. Don't mess with me, James72 or anyone who thinks he's a tough guy. Your abusive language and your obscene gestures with your new nick has been documented and cross-referenced. This world is too small and we'll see who has the resources to win this battle. Dun piss me off.
  2. James72, I am saddened to have to do this but we have decided that the suspension of your posting privileges is necessary in light of you posting up a topless woman avatar. This is specially against our terms & conditions of use and basic common decency. Whether you did it out of spite or for fun, it certainly wasn't funny. You may think that laughing in the face of good advice and disrespecting your fellow men who mean you well by bothering to tell you that how you are treating your livestock is irresponsible and cruel is very funny and that no one can stop you... by all means.. go ahead. However, breaking SRC rules is NOT a laughing offense and we certainly do not entertain this kind of behaviour here. Now go cool off.
  3. Very very funny, James72, NOT! You changed your avatar from the acro frag to the topless woman and the linked photo in this thread was changed. Your posting privileges are hereby suspended for 3 weeks. The mod team and I are NOT amused.
  4. Actually... I am more curious about that dangling bit in the first picture.
  5. Trust me... even if you have 10,000w of MH... your acro will still remain brown. You still haven't learnt a single thing.. have you?
  6. WoW... and I say it backwards too... WoW! Let's all say "WOW" together.... one, two, three.... WOW!!! Anyway, who cycles the water for 12 months.. oh wait... your tank probably would.
  7. Can you guys not go off topic? Go discuss where you can get your bulb costs and availability in a new thread. Oh and I suggest you do a search on actinic lighting on PLs... it was covered in details many many moons ago.
  8. I used to bowl quite regularly at Superbowl Marina South. Now super rusty. I can get good rates there... so if anyone wants to organise an SRC bowling outing... let me know!
  9. *image link of James72's avatar that was changed from an acro frag to an offensive image" has been deleted.
  10. Hunted down some info on the Flying Gunard here. Grows up to 1ft 2 inchs!
  11. Spotted 5 flying gunards.... for those with large FOWLR tanks... as these are not reef-safe. Interesting fish! Oh at BioOcean Aquarix, our sponsor.
  12. I like to point out that AZNO3 is a good product to reduce NO3 drastically in a hurry BUT must be used in conjunction with a protein skimmer which is supposed to EXPORT out the bad stuff. Due to the bacterial bloom, more oxygen will be utilized, so dropping an airtstone to buffer the ORP may be necessary. You should look into a NNR (natural nitrate reduction) system like a DSB, plenum or lots of LR (with low livestocking) to reduce nitrates naturally for long term efficiency. AZ-NO3 will be expensive to use long term, IMO.
  13. Actinics provide a good spike in the 420nm peak of the light spectrum, which is proven to be utilised for coral photosynthesis. If not just for the above fact, their flourescence (hope I spelt it right) effect and ability to make the corals look more visually appealing and their help in balancing out yellowish light should speak up for their usage.
  14. Ain't it cute!! It's actually cute looking, not ugly....
  15. I haven't been there yet but I'm missing it already! *envy*
  16. Actually, the cost of CITIES paperwork is not that substantial. It's the inconvenience and you know how some people don't like to be inconvenienced.
  17. Sigh... a little research done and you would have avoided a LOT of trouble. Oh well... too late. But I hope lesson is learnt and others will learn from this mistake too.
  18. You probably gave an osmotic shock to your tank. You have to ensure that the salt is fully dissolved before measuring your salinity to match your tank's current salinity.
  19. I like to point out that salt particles in water IS harmful to livestock. FYI, undissolved salt particles can actually 'burn' coral tissue. You should only add saltwater that has been thoroughly stirred so that all salt particles are completely dissolved. Use a powerhead or pump to move as much water as possible in your saltmix preparation bucket for a few hours at least.
  20. Give it to James72. He'll learn a lot faster about livestock this way.
  21. You can buy a small octopus (Not the BRO pls) to hunt them down. LOL! Then figure out how to catch an octopus out!
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