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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. The crab above is red in colour, which a fiddler crab is not... fiddlers are mostly whitish/greyish/brownish with colour shades.
  2. Tick Tock! Thread will be deleted unless the poster thinks up of a better topic description soon!
  3. It isn't a fiddler. Fiddlers have a very large claw and a very small one. This looks like a juvenile Reef Crab, Etisus Spendidus.
  4. You are not supposed to have large creatures dig into a DSB. Worms are fine and so are nassarious snails... but I think yellow dog conchs strombus canarium (linnaous) do burrow quite deep and thus disrupt DSBs by letting in more oxygen into the anoxic layer, killing the anaerobic bacteria.
  5. Need to send in my car to the workshop after sending my wife to work. What's the shortest possible route? Thanks! AT
  6. Mussels do not live very long in the typical reef tank... I tried it.... unless you have a mud substrate and turbid water.
  7. Please wear booties. There are creatures which could cause a lot of hurt. Stonefishes, sea urchins, sea snakes...
  8. Chemical? Where's the chemical coming from? Its a form of mechanical filter.
  9. Funny theory. Reefs are found in the tropics. Where the air is warm and the water is warm too. Most of us have chillers that maintain our water temp around 25 to 26. How does that affect DSBs in the tropical zone??? The logic is flawed.
  10. H&S, Euroreef, Schuran... you won't go wrong for these German brands. Beckett skimmers, be it commercial or DIY... they rock!
  11. I thought all languages originated from the Tower of Babel? Nah... I think the first language is monkey talk. Definitely not sanskrit... it's a highly evolved language already, unless there is evidence humans started from that place of origin. If we humans did come from Africa... it wasn't sanskrit that was the first language.
  12. Tuan... if you can interpret arcanehacker's avatar's conversation... you'll be made an honourary Singaporean!
  13. Refreshing for a gal to post this up!
  14. SRC has recently gotten a thumbs up from a LFS which is very established in the industry. They have never gotten good reports from us on the way they have run their business and treated their livestock... in fact, their reputation with us reefers has been rather err... black. I don't want to say who it is but it starts with 'R'. I quote (the boss saying this to me) "SRC is a good thing. It is not our enemy. It is a mirror for us. We can see our own reflection via the feedback from how our customers and we will know exactly where we are." (But of course, he went to say that every business does things differently and can't please everyone). I nearly fell off my chair when the boss spoke to me this way... I half expected to be thrown into a vat of sea urchins. It did warm my heart because sometimes we can be rather harsh and critical with our words when speaking about LFS. I was glad they could see the positive side of our comments.
  15. From my experience & IMO, firefishes should not be kept in a school in captive reefs with limited space, there will be always a dominant pecking order and it has always led to the 'bullying to death' effect down the line. I have much better success with a pair, and even a trio has resulted in a pair again (one jumped out.. was it chased.. i dunno). In my dives at Sipadan, the purple and red firefishes I spotted were singles or in a pair too. Perhaps we should take a cue from nature regarding this species? Again, it is my limited experience speaking. My mated pair sleeps in the same crevice every night with both their tails sticking out! They are so cute!
  16. Nah... my dog was being bathed by my wife when the tremors hit. I called her to come out to look and I don't think my dog acted strange in any way. *embarrassed* - Yazid, I had my hand on the front glass when the water started sloshing, trying to protect the tank from bowing? On hindsight, it was the whole building that was swaying, not the tank only, there was no real danger. In fact, the fishies thought I was gonna feed them and crowded near my hand!
  17. If you want my personal point of view. No one is perfect. The admin, the mods, the sponsors, the snr reefers, the new ones. It is good for us to learn from our mistakes and shortcomings. Some people will not WANT to be humble and thus be very defensive if criticized. They will never improve themselves if they don't see the need to improve. I don't see why sponsors can't be given feedback on how they run their business as all of us are their customers/potential customers and I am sure this forum will facilate good market research and feedback for themselves. My 2 cents, AT
  18. By all means, you can go ahead and give your feedback as long as its objective, unbiased, matter-of-fact, and backed up with evidence and we all have your word that what you have said is the truth and you are willing to stand by it and thus be contactable for verification. AT
  19. I got the all-clear from the expert. It's definitely not Hermodice carunculata, its a scavenger. Looks like it'll have a very long life in my tank!
  20. Cool! It'll work... I see no diff between your DIY needlewheel prototype and Deltec's.
  21. You glued thin acrylic rods onto a round base? Won't it be very fragile?
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