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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Hahahaha!!! Then indeed it is an honour to have the Resident Buaya give me a thumbs up! Thanks wolfie!
  2. Thanks everyone! I have achieved my wildest dreams... and I hope I have made our little nation proud by finally having a SG tank featured in RC! I hope this will inspire more of us to pursue excellence in reefing, more conscientious & responsible approaches in this hobby and have more TOTMs from Singapore!!! I dedicate this honour to ALL my fellow reefers & friends here in SRC! Now with Singapore/SRC/you guys in the spotlight... and a whole LOT of international exposure now.... its time to be on our toes and put up a good showing! Go go SRC!!!! AT
  3. Hi, which part of the instructions are you lost about?
  4. Guys, We have and will continue to get lots of overseas visitors to our website and I think it is good to put up links to tell them more about ourselves and our country. We are uniquely Singaporean and we have our local languages, customs, Asian mentality & culture that may be extremely foreign to alot of foreigners. I need help to point to local sites on any info that could be helpful to them to get them up to speed on what makes us tick! eg. country info & demographics, facts & economic achievements, latest developments on the global scene in innovation, blah blah blah... you'll be surprised how little they know of Singapore... some still think we are a province in China or something... It would also be good to cut back on our Singlish and try to speak in proper Queen's English as much as we can. I mean, if it is about serious reefkeeping discussions, it should be, anyway. We should try to keep the local humour & slang in the Kopi Tiam section! Remember, we are ambassadors of our country when it comes to representing our wonderful hobby on the global scene via the World Wide Web! We have been graced to have people like the Salifert boss, Habib, well regarded reefers like Blane Perun (thesea.org), some reefers from the US and UK already in SRC and God knows how many reefing gods & gurus are already in our midst or going to pop in one day! I for once, would like people like Eric Borneman, Ron Shimek, Julian Sprung, Randy Holmes-Farley and many more established and learned reefing gurus to pop in and give us their views, share their experiences and tips, for the benefit of all SRC reefers! Go go SRC! My 2 cents, AT
  5. Besides speaking like Yoda, I think Vicky doesn't mean any harm. I think its more language 'miscommunication' and inadequate usage of proper terms to convey his message. Okie guys, show's over.... AT
  6. Come on! Don't give up hope so quickly!!! If you isolate yours and give it time, it'll fine!
  7. Oh oh... SRC's self-appointed Tang Police is on alert!
  8. Nope. Sorry. Unless I give you your own sub-forum (yeah, I think you deserve it! ). You can be a moderator in your own sub-forum. Hahhahaa!!!
  9. Hehe... my tank is not as big as some people's... Double-decker 6ft tanks! My LH crazy neighbours! I use saltmix. Coralife.
  10. Watch the upper lip. My old AT had a mouth infection in my refugium and it became bloody with flesh flapping around. It didn't make it. That's a common problem with tangs with protruding mouths... they either hurt & damage themselves by dashing into the nets when caught or bashing headon into the glass walls. You have to give it time to recover from mouth wounds before mixing with other tangs so there's less stress.
  11. I just realised this thread of Roidan's extremely LONG!!!! It's like a bloody chat channel!! Call now... 1800-Roidanchat! Meet interesting people and perhaps you'll find your partner here!
  12. The white patches are faint parallel lines on its side.... I suspect its just damage during handling. No visible deep wounds but more surface discolouration due to scratching. I'm sure the AT will recover. I was attracted to its bold colours and of course its large teardrop.
  13. Actually, the amount of trace elements and heavy metals in saltmix is a LOT higher than NSW. That's because Gonioporas are often found in higher nutrient waters eg. green water. Saltmixed water is just cleaner. NSW is not practical for many of us who live in apartments and have bigger tanks. NSW may also contain pollutants which our test kits can't measure. Our local waters aren't exactly like Hawaii's. I believe the composition of NSW has been analysed many times already. Saltmix is formulated to provide a lot more calcium, trace elements than NSW. That is why we face the danger of heavy metal accumulation in our reef tank's LR and sandbed causing a tank crash aka Old Tank Syndrome. Anyway, you should do a search on NSW vs saltmix in SRC... we have lots of info there already and its pointless and tiring to repeat over and over again! AT
  14. LOL!! oh... you mean before I reserved it? Anyway... you are disqualified already... coz your tank is too small...
  15. Hey, hey! It's RESERVED already!! No point looking! I'm afraid my small powder blue & big sailfin tangs may harass my new AT, so that's why my AT is being housed with a big angel and another tang so he'll get used to bigger fishes which may give him trouble. He's eating now... *crossed fingers*... and I hope he'll adapt quickly in my reef.
  16. As with most of my past AT keeping experiences, I have not been successful. Really crossing all my fingers and toes.... or I'll have to change my nickname soon. Maybe our 'pa zhi' clash!
  17. Can't wait to pick up my AT too! Roidan, did you take from the 2nd tank on the left? Mine is in the extreme left corner!
  18. Arcanehacker, That's true. Most of my hobbies have been paid for by me taking on extra work... freelance projects... I burn weekends and weeknights but in the end, what I spend on my interests is me having to work hard for it. $$$ certainly doesn't grow on trees.
  19. Nope, I was referring to the LFS he mentioned.
  20. Let's just give Vicky the benefit of doubt that he meant this as an April Fool's joke on ML here in SRC. I'll go and rename the thread now.
  21. There are very very very few corals with zooxanthellae in them that are white. The zoox in them makes them brown or green. Even SPS with too white a body may actually be bleached. I remember a LFS in LCK who tried to convince me & morgan that the white pratas sold there are 'very rare'.
  22. 31 degrees is madness for a stable reef tank. Probably his livestock in his tank moves in and out so they don't suffer long term stress. Mushrooms are hardy and they won't 'melt' unless they are terribly stressed and it could be a temperature spike that did them in. The heat these days is terrible... June will be worse.
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