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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Give you a tip. Forget the deltec and use an ozonizer with your double beckett! DOUBLE WHAMMY!!! Save lots of $$$$!!!!
  2. Limited quantity - only a few extras to sell... 4 pcs. Pls PM me if you're interested for immediate collection. $45 dollars. Take all 4pc... and its $44 each!
  3. I haven't seen the kind of high water input rates being recommended into a standard needlewheel skimmer. Perhaps if you get this: ... then you force more water in for a higher turnover. But I am sure you can get 3 or 4 beckett skimmers for the price of this one... and for sure the becketts will still beat the pants off this model in terms of performance. For the standard skimmer modified with a needlewheel impeller, you will see immediate gains, (dunno how much, 50%?) . But skimmer against skimmer... a real NW skimmer like the Deltec vs a beckett skimmer... to probably match the performance eg. turnover, speed... the Deltec would probably require a lot of pumps and have to be fat like the above. The beckett skimmers are not known to be cheap to run but its basically still the best skimmer around... (till the next best foaming technology comes around). Too bad Deltecs are positioned as the 'mercedes benz' of the aquarium equipments.... quality finishing, reliable, nice performance but premium price tag. A Beckett is probably like a Corvette... typical American style.... a fiery red, eye-turning, big, loud, fast and a 'pants off the seat' thrilling ride-giving machine but heavy & gas-guzzling. My 2 cents, but can someone give me a big NW skimmer so I can do a test vs my Beckett?
  4. Nice tank! Guys, those 'washing machine' hoses are not that good at reducing head loss, in fact it adds to it. All that ridges will cause turbulence and cause more resistance to good water flow. Smooth PVC pipes are the best but its hard to find hard PVC hoses in SG.
  5. Check your test kits first, certain brands have reliability/accuracy problems. AZ-NO3 will cause the oxygen levels to drop as part of the working process... your fishes will feel slightly stressed. Drop an airstone in to rectify this temporary imbalance until treatment is over. I hope you're using a good skimmer with it to export out the nitrates coz it won't work without a skimmer. You should have smelly kopi-o with AZ-NO3. And your water circulation must be adequate too. My 2 cents, AT
  6. If you're in RC, you would have been beaten to death by their resident Tang Police! Deputy Dispar Anthia seems to have let you off lightly. :lol: Nice AT you got there... but keep an eye on your water quality, mate!
  7. ?? The St John place has been up and running for a few years already! LOL! I was just there recently.
  8. Hmm... are these the same species as the one ML used to bring in? The yellow ones or the blue ones? Gobiosoma oceanops?
  9. No, I have given up naming my fishes because of the dangers of emotional attachments.
  10. Oh yeah, Tanzy... I saw the Fugu dish already! I must have missed it while scanning for かわいい女の子.
  11. Finally... a pix of my AT being the BOSS of my reef tank! PBT is off the throne now!
  12. I think you mean boobies. Shake your bootie, means to shake your butt.
  13. Beckett skimmers are very highly rated to produce very thick foam. They are so good at this that in a break-in comparison test, they apparently produce skimmate within half an hour whilst the needlewheel and other skimmers took about a day or a quite few hours longer to come up with a similar ball of foam. Euroreefs are next in line, followed by Deltecs. Of course, its all subjective to personal perceptions, marketing materials and there are price point/power costs to consider for every individual budget/space restriction/tank needs/husbandry skills etc ...
  14. Wow! Your new Sony digicam rocks! Nice colours! Care to share the camera settings? f/stops, ISO numbers, etc? Have you tried sharpening the images everytime you resize? It helps improves the quality. And do you have another close up pix of the Achilles Tang (not me of course! ).
  15. hmmm... so its me at RC, Dodo at UR and who else at where?
  16. My chiller is on a closed loop ie. Tank > chiller > Tank. I can disconnect my sump for maintenance but my tank still remains chilled. Even if my main pump fails for some reason, I still have a pump going exclusively for my chiller closed loop. But Weileong, don't you think using the main return pump to drive your chiller is a little risky? There is a recommended pump size for feeding the chiller. Using the main return pump would mean you may be running water too quickly into the chiller. And by the time it goes thru all the cooling coils there is a substantial head loss by the time it gets back up your tank... unless you don't mind a slow returns.
  17. You will kill the live cells. They are in a state of suspended animation when kept cold enough but freezing will damage the cell walls and kill the live cells.
  18. It can be very hard to break off a birdsnest branch cleanly. You'll probably end up with a few frags. You can try using two needlenose pliers at the same time. One to grip the base of the branch and the other to break off the upper part.
  19. How do you define foreign? As in out of the USA and Europe reefkeeping circles? I think I remember a Hong Kong reef being a TOTM in RC.... can't recall exactly. AT
  20. I personally think that its quite hard for the average reefer to determine how good a P04 removal product is because every tank is different at different times. These lab tests will give a better idea of the actual properties rather than personal observations. Water changes, diff amounts of food fed, diff types of food fed, addition/loss of livestocks... all may change the bioload and amount of phosphates added to water. Even the bag you place the P04 removal media in and how you position the bag affects the absorption rate and effectiveness. Sometimes the presence of macro/microalgae that absorbs phosphates for fuel will also affect perception. I would personally recommend that fluidised reactors be used for your P04 removal media so that every single grain will be in full contact with your tank water and this will maximise the effectiveness. (Placing it in a bag will mean a reduction in effectiveness because water will always choose the easiest & fastest passage with the least amount of resistance... so it will go around the bag rather than THROUGH the bag. The bag surface will also tend to clog over time, reducing again the amount of water going into the filter bag). My 2 cents. AT
  21. Some tests of phosphate absobers was done by was a few German aquarists and here are the results. Translation to english is not that great: Some key points are highlighted: It does seem that Rowaphos/Contraphos is a good product after all. ps - hoping to see another test with Salifert's version soon! --------------------------------- Phosphate absorber.... How quickly do they absorb phosphate, and how the photograph capacity is? In the Meeresaquaristik is with the time the rising and therefore very often vorhande phosphate content one of the largest problems. Particularly with unwanted growth of algae is usually present too high phosphate contents. By the entry of fodder (above all frost fodder) and by eliminations of the fish phosphate comes into our water. Duch water change, particularly with large basins, can be worked here only insufficiently against. How however do the available products behave? How quickly do you take up phosphate, and above all how much? For this reason we made ourselves the trouble and some the most usual phosphate absorbers procured. Helpful were here above all Michael Mrutzek of www.meeresaquaristik.de , Thomas Pohl of wwww.korallen zucht.de and Joachim Woschnik of www.korallenfarm.de . They put us or to other absorber free of charge at the disposal. The remainder was acquired available in the specialized trade. Michael Mrutzek put Contraphos (Aquaconnect), ElimiPhos (Tropic marine) and PhosEx (JBL) to us at the disposal. Thomas Pohl made us available its bio Phos II, Joe Woschnik the absorber phosphate Reduct of Amtra. Note: With Amtra, Korallenzucht and JBL are data on the packing and/or in the InterNet, how much phosphate with the respective quantity can be taken up. With JBL stands as instruction 12,000 mg/630gramm, with Amtra 22,000 mg/500ml and with Korallenzucht.de 60,000 mg/Kilos. On the other absorbers no visible data find how much phosphate to take up itself can. Test 1: It was set seawaters with a density of 1.022. It was used Tropic marine sea salt. To exclude the seawater on nitrate and phosphate examined around faulty measurements. Nitrate and phosphate were not provable. A litre of seawater was stopped now to 1 mg phosphate. Each absorber was washed before the use with osmose water, in order to remove carrier materials and such a thing. Subsequently, 50 was taken ml water by the 1 litre phosphate solution and led by 5 gram of the respective absorbers. The water was led thereby twice by the absorber. Here 50 was led ml test water by an absorber For the phosphate measurement the Merck Aquaquanttest was used. This phosphate test measures extremely exactly, however only within the range of 0 - 0.43 mg. Must in order to be able, diluted to exactly determine a value. We could measure the following results: Product Company approx.. Price Package size/weight Suppl.-smooth-eat Absorbtion Phospaht Reduct Amtra 13,70 € 500 ml/2 x 176.3 gram 0,34 mg 0.66 mg Green x Hagen 9,99 € 3 x 100 gram n. measurably none * Antiphos OFF 15,00 € 1000ml 0.43 mg 0.57 mg Contraphos Aquaconnect 49,90 € 1000 ml 0.046 mg 0.954 mg PhosEX JBL 9,79 € 2 x 315 gram 0.34 mg 0.66 mg ElimiPhos Tropic marine 18,00 € 2 x 100 gram 0.069 mg 0.931 mg BioPhos II Korallenzucht 29,00 € 1000 ml 0.34 mg 0.66 mg Remarkablenesses: ElimiPhos showed an easy white clouding after washing with the first passage. During passage number 2 was likewise clear the water however then. Rowaphos/Contraphos showed an orange clouding and it fine components was washed. These did not sink to soil (sedimentieren) Antiphos showed when flushing any clouding. * Note to the test with Green x: It was to be accomplished us not possible one precise measurement, since the value and/or the colour lay over 0,43 mg phosphate content. Became estimated no or hardly a Absorbtion took place. The color change became estimated on scarcely 1 mg phosphate. Without dilution rows one did. The absorber separated thereby after the first test row. Result to test passage 1: This first test showed the Contraphos of Aquaconnect as well as ElimiPhos of Tropic marine at the fastest phosphate absorbs. Note: The products Contraphos and Rowaphos are identical our knowledge. Therefore only Contraphos was tested by the company Aquaconnect. As the reduction in a long term test behaves cannot unfortunately yet be clarified at present. Possibly other absorbers need simply longer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test 2 - Photograph capacity: After the Erstmessung interested us how much phosphate is taken up. Since this not simply to measure is we the following test sequence considered. We set a phosphate solution for 6 mg. Then came exactly 2 gram of each absorber into a syringe planned for it. In addition 50 ml the phosphate solution admit-admitting that keep-eats was swivelled the mixture two hours long, regularly and measured then finally. The results: Product Company Augang Suppl.-smooth-eat Absorbtion Phospaht Reduct Amtra 6 mg/L 0,86 mg/L 5,14 mg/L Antiphos OFF 6 mg/L approx.. 2,0 mg/L approx.. 4,00 mg/L * Contraphos Aquaconnect 6 mg/L 0,25 mg/L 5,75 mg/L PhosEX JBL 6 mg/L approx.. 2,0 mg/L approx.. 4,00 mg/L * ElimiPhos Tropic marine 6 mg/L 0,25 mg/L 5,75 mg/L BioPhos II Korallenzucht 6 mg/L 0,86 mg/L 5,14 mg/L * The two absorbers PhosEx and Antiphos do not liesen themselves with the Merck Aquaquant despite dilution with test 2 exactly determine. The colour leaves the conclusion to a residual value by 2,0 mg with both products remained remaining. Also permits this somewhat higher values, opposite the other absorbers, no genuine conclusion. Because none can say like the further admission at phosphate would have behaved. It is quite in the range of the possible some the absorber slow phosphate absorbs in last consequence however then on similar stocktaking values to come can. Thus as locking result only one remains for us: All absorbers in the test, Green x naturally excluded, make exactly which them to do are: Phosphate absorb. Green x makes that probably also, but absorber conditionally can it probably one while last, until a noticeable suppl.-smooth-eat to be measured had. However Green x within the sea water range hardly plays a role. The results which we so far obtain could to rate are as quite positive. It can be in the long run seen the absorbers differently to behave and then crucially with the admission to add be able. Thus we come not and make in the next time the sustained testing to get evenly in order clarity over the photograph capacity of the individual absorbers. We find however that those available to absorbers already very good are at present. Above all they are important in the Aquaristik, why one should never forget regularly the phosphate content in the own aquarium to measure. Most alga problems attribute evenly not rarely to too high phosphate content. some test of phostphate absobers was done by was a few german aquarist and here are the results
  22. I think we should all give Odi a GREAT BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE for his help in compiling the LFS Directory! EXCELLENT WORK, DUDE!!!!! Well done! My personal thanks too... AT
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