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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Looks like a very sound design! Kudos to this 'Snr Reefer'. Who izzit? What kind of return pump are you using... you may still get some microbubbles if the returns are very strong and there are not enough baffles/too low a baffle height. Reminds me that I have been sitting on my own new sump project for too long... need it done in time for my dual beckett... probably a 1048 or 848 at the least.
  2. Definitely. A discerning hobbyist will investigate which bulbs are good. There are TOO MANY bulbs out there and TOO FEW literature out there and it is mostly up to the marine hobbyists to do tests on their properties to see if they are able to provide a mix of providing enough PAR, the right PAR, the right spectral qualities etc to provide good photosynthesis. Even the visual appeal of the bulb's colour can be so subjective that no one can really agree if YOU will even like it! Sometimes a bulb may contain too much or too little UV/light/PAR/intensity. Some bulbs are notorious for losing intensity within a very short time. Do a search on SRC with keywords 'MH lights', 'lighting', 'PAR' etc. I believe I have also pinned up quite a few articles on lighting. You MUST read these links at least... it will ILLUMINATE your mind (pun intended!)
  3. Creetin!! You are ALMOST right as it sure does look like that!
  4. Trust me, Wei Leong, I share this tip from my own personal experience... having a few litres of water spraying at you in the space of a few seconds is frightening... and note... I WAS THERE!!!! Imagine if I wasn't!
  5. If you like a hairless Schnauzer, it can be arranged! Harry needs company!
  6. I should get one of those LED boards that the white Secret Service cars have! It'll flash: PLEASE KEEP YOUR DISTANCE. Can't remember the exact words after that... anyone got this before? I think LKY was in the 3 car convoy...
  7. Wei... don't trust cable tie... better get metal clip type! A loose hose that pops out when you're not there is really really something you want to avoid!
  8. Okie... two prata plaster to be redeemed by me. Not hungry now... unless you pick me up for prata at 3am later.
  9. Gee... that sucks... I'm going to be very careful on the road from now onwards to avoid such incidents from happening to me. *touch wood*
  10. Unfortunately, the raising of baby sea horses to adulthood is a very difficult task for the average home hobbyist and they are mostly doomed to die. Wish you lots of luck.
  11. Cheesebun? You may not use profanity. It is unprofessional and offensive and will not be tolerated. We may place word filters in place for the most vulgar terms. Circumventing those word filters will result in punitive action.
  12. I hear the water there is quite cold. Better get a hood or thicker wetsuit or your dives may be quite miserable!
  13. I like everyone to remember that SRC has House Rules that need to be followed to uphold the pleasant atmosphere & friendly interactions. I will highlight what is relevant and remind you to comply in relation to the contents of this thread. No one is exempt from these rules again as stated here! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We require all posts to be positive, constructive, and on topic. We may delete individual posts that could ruin a good topic thread. . We reserve the right to remove any topics we deem inappropriate or disruptive to our community. Please note that, from time to time, topics may be removed for being inappropriate even though your individual post in that topic may have been perfectly fine. Please do not feel this reflects badly on you. . Having fun is good, we like fun. There are several general forums for non-marine related topics. Please keep it positive and polite. We do not censor opinions or ideas on our forums but we do take action against posts and/or topics that could cause unrest in the community beyond a civil and polite disagreement. . You may not make personal attacks on other users or staff members either in public forums or private messages. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your kind co-operation! AT and the Mods
  14. I am guessing.... live phytoplankton to use up the nitrates/phosphates in a Berlin tank?? doesn't make sense coz there will be very low density and the common strains that are easily cultured don't really like full=strength seawater/seawater with the common parameters we are used to keeping. Common Max... don't hold out on us... tell us your 'tricks!'
  15. Strange... I haven't heard a single comment on the new look that I changed yesterday! Errr.... no news is good news?
  16. The black patches will come and go or expand or decrease in size. Just don't disturb it as its part of the denitrification process. The bubbles are also part of the nitrogen cycle... its the end result... nitrogen bubles. Congrats... your nitrates are being processed!
  17. Hi. Cant help but feel that your tank is too cramped to have that many fishes of the current sizes. My advice would be to reduce your bioload immediately ie. sell off some of your fishes. Your corals are not doing well because there's probably high nitrates around... have you tested your water parameters recently? What are they at now? Your fishes are too big for your tank and its actually quite cruel to keep them in such conditions long term as they may exhibit very aggressive behaviour to each other very soon. My 2 cents, AT
  18. "You are Windows 98. You're a bit flaky, but well-liked. You don't have a great memory, but everyone seems to know you. A great person to hang out with and play some games."
  19. Yes it still does to some degree as saltwater chemistry between PH, Cal and Alk are interlinked and it may affect PH if Alk is too low. Fishes don't really care about Cal and Alk levels as it doesn't really affect them, but of course, these should stay within normal parameters as much as possible!
  20. Weaklings.... I take a half a shot of 100% pure alcohol every night.
  21. Oh yeah.. my cleaner wrasse does clean every fish in the tank... although my wife commented recently that its stomach is so fat that it looks disgusting! He just loves Cyclop-eeze! My AT prefers the Neon Goby as the Cleaner Wrasse is too rough at times!
  22. Take a look at the torture gallery pix! Underaged or sensitive people... pls dun look. AT
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