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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Some of us SRC MEMBERS are pilots... I have personally flown the F16 fighting falcon myself many years ago. But I was a true ace pilot on the Hellcat V and Banshee, taken down many an evil Kilrathi! All flight-simulation of course.
  2. Anyway... since some of us are pilots... care to share how bad turbulence can get? One of my trips to Sydney, there was enough turbulence for me to see the 747 wing bend almost 40 degree above horizontal!!! Yikes! I thought the wing was going to snap off!!
  3. Guys, there are rules regarding such sensitive issues that we ought not to joke about to respect our fellow men.
  4. I think you hit it right on the head already. Being polite and courteous to one another. If you observed how the thread progressed, I did what I did to prevent a flash fire.
  5. Come on.... Tang lovers!!!! *clue* I purposely got this for you guys!!!! Surprise that there is no positive ID yet!!! Come on!!
  6. lvcap, I hate to see this get bad to worse, so I'm closing this thread. Note to all: Please refrain from hostile remarks as there are SRC Golden Rules to adhere to maintain a friendly and civil atmosphere of user interaction. We mods have to give out 'yellow cards' to anyone who breaches such rules, that could lead to suspension of your posting privileges. Let there be peace! AT
  7. The AC bulbs have been ordered and delivery is arranged. Standby! AT
  8. oops... that lady is indeed Gilbert's elder sister. Paiseh!
  9. How can you tell from the photo of that quality?? Seriously, you folks have to learn to take better photos... clear and sharp with distinct features.... its almost like the SRC Reef Quiz photos!
  10. Do you gamble in the dark? Why luminous dice?
  11. I use a combi of 20k and 6500k. I still get good growth rates from frags right on the sandbed under the 20k lamps.... maybe its because mine are 400w! Fuel is right... PAR values have to be taken into account when choosing a lamp and these will increase with lower K bulbs or higher wattage lamps. AT
  12. Ok... hope you'll settle this personally with them soon. Anyway... to put it into perspective: No need to get high blood pressure over a fish.
  13. No... heard its the aunty. Relative yes, sister, I don't think so...
  14. I strongly suggest to everyone that you either speak to Jon or Gilbert next time when it comes to the livestock you want to pick up at CoralFarm, and not the foreign workers & especially not the old lady who's a retired grandma and goes there to help out and cook meals for the crew! Hope you guys are aware that Coral Farm's primary business is export and the fact they do open their gates for locals to breeze in and buy stuff is really a bonus to us as it is our patronage is inconsequential to their revenue. They will and can afford to close their gates to us ANYTIME.. depriving us of a chance to even view quality livestock! Sometimes these guys are too busy to entertain walk-in customers, but they do... you can't expect service like a full-blown retail outlet would like most LFS. So maybe you should lower your expectations a little? lvcap, do speak to Jon directly about this issue and hope you'll settle your unhappiness. AT
  15. Deresa clam for sale. Need to clear more space! Reared it from a 4-incher to a 6.5-incher (measuring lengthwise with mantle fully extended)! Has blue-lined edges. Loves strong light and calcium! Asking price: $70. Serious enquiries only please.
  16. The best specific gravity for hatching brine shrimp is 1.010 to 1.020.
  17. You posted in the wrong forum. Moving this to the Equipment forum. And Bio-Ocean Aquarix is one of the Macro skimmers best-selling stores in SG!
  18. Be it liverock or sand, heavy metals or certain undesirables can bind with the calcium carbonate surfaces and be released back into the water column later. Washing it doesn't help except remove some floating rubbish on it like raffia string, wood bits etc. In your case, silicates can even be part of your water supply so making ASW itself could be the culprit in adding silicates into your tank. My 2 cents, AT
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