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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Do a water change... sometimes it could be a drop in water quality causing an infection to last longer than it should.
  2. Anyway... I do wish the new forum and its founders well... it does take a LOT of effort to build up the content of any site and to generate a high level of interest to constantly keep people staying in the site. When I started SRC, I spent a LOT of sleepless nights and sacrificed hundreds of hours in starting threads, answering many many questions, posting loads of photographs, sharing my life, opening my home to countless visitors to maintain the momentum! I had to create enough trust from people to believe in what I said and did and to get their respect and convince them to share the load in helping the hobbyists. To be a helpdesk to many people, trying to inspire them, getting a lot of flak from the industry who couldn't understand or tolerate an 'awakening' from hobbyists, trying to get the co-operation of people who only thrived in strife and mayhem, dealing with people who were jealous or suspicious or hateful.... putting up with threatening phonecalls & threats....MAN!! I must have been NUTS!!!! But I guess my passion did spread to many.... and my efforts have not been in vain! I'm glad that even in the last few months of me being 'absent' from SRC did not impact the club at all! You guys rock! Especially the mods who believed in SRC's potential and gave their best.... and those who have picked up the baton to share, teach and guide the next wave of newbie hobbyists!!
  3. Errrr... guys... what's happening? Relax dudes!! There can only be ONE!! Kidding.... Any e-community is not the work of just one person or even a few, its the efforts, contributions & goodwill of every individuals who make up the atmosphere. YOU guys ARE SRC!!!! Wan sui to ALL OF YOU!!! Hi Jackie and welcome to SRC! Home is where the heart is... be it SRC, the other site in question (which DOES look like SRC, even the name... ), Arofanatics marine section or any other local marine site... so if we do drop by other sites, behave like good guests and if there feels like home, then behave like good guests here too. Roidan... U are right... the last 3 months alone, the average number of people signing up in SRC is about 150 a month!! SRC is growing tremendously! Kudos to the mods who keep this place in good order! Respect. AT
  4. Pineapplefish Cleidopus gloriamaris The Pineapplefish is named for its pineapple-like appearance. It has robust scales with black margins. On either side of the lower jaw is a light organ that produces a greenish glow. The colour of the light is reported to change to red as the fish ages. It grows to 25cm in length. This species is recorded from the east and west coasts of Australia, but not from Victoria and South Australia. It is often observed by divers on shallow coastal reefs, but is also trawled in deeper offshore waters. The Pineapplefish is also known as the Knightfish. The similar Japanese Pineapplefish Monocentrus japonicus also occurs in Australian waters. It can be distinguished from the Pineapplefish by its more rounded snout.
  5. It won't hold. Also, I don't think its as inert as silicon or hardened epoxy.
  6. Nope... those are like 'birthmarks'! Not everything on the planet has perfect skin!
  7. Hi SRC members! I have struck a deal with De Floral Gallery to extend benefits to SRC members and to start off, there's a 15% discount off all floral orders from now till 3 Jan 05! So get your long-suffering spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/family member a nice bouquet or to decorate your home or office today!! De Floral Gallery comes highly recommended as their floral arrangements are beautifully done and yet very affordable! Be it for for weddings, valentine's day, congratulatory arrangements or any occasion, they are one of the best florists I have ever seen. Just print this e-coupon and present it at the De Floral Gallery outlet to enjoy this offer now! Another member's privilege brought to you by SG Reef Club!
  8. Yes, our dear mods will have LOTS of work to do moving a lot of threads into the new respective categories!! It may take a whole entire day! Your hands' going to ache! Hmmm.... ok mods... I'm for it... are you?
  9. Man... I miss my old planted tank.. I mean... jungle tank!
  10. Aren't too many layers to navigate not too attractive to most users?
  11. I did see colour morphs more interesting that this... but I believe it was in Trang.
  13. Try another brand of test kits. Sera isn't very accurate. What's your alk level?
  14. This Bo chap owner deserves to be kept in a small cage, walking around in his own faeces and urine with his eyes stuck shut due to pus.
  15. Chevron Tang anytime. I'm not easy to keep!
  16. Hmmm... won't the forum become so large? There are seriously too many categories of marine species to create. Would you like a forum for sea fans? Another for tunicates? One for pistol shrimp?
  17. Thanks guys for the tips... I'll probably pick up a new underwater casing there... for my digi cam. I missing diving and shooting!!
  18. Regular use of activated carbon will remove that dirty yellowish tint in water. If you have a lot of detritus floating in your water, a pre-filter will help. If you want super clear water.. then ozone it... if you really know what you're doing and what you want to achieve with it.
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