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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Hi, Does anyone know where I can find live black scorpions? Not for eating or for scaring girls or for Fear Factor but for a photoshoot! Pls pm me... need some urgently.... Thanks! Will return in good condition. AT
  2. I think its special because 6 polyps of Ancelot's merletti costs $280, which makes it about $54 buckaroos EACH!
  3. Oh... it appears that I may have mistaken the acro frags to be the expensive items.... so it WAS the blasto merleti!! WOW!! And I'll say it backwards too... WOW!!!!
  4. OOOOOOOH!! That merleti was the ONE??? WOW!!!!! I must have been blind!! I just skipped past it!
  5. So you showed us your brain... but we'll still waiting for the photos of the blasto that you sold off for $280. Pray tell us how much you paid for your blasto originally and which LFS did that come from?
  6. Most lobophyllia species are also known as brain corals.
  7. So that's the blasto.... how about the other 2 acro frags that you sold off for $320!
  8. Bio-Ocean Aquarix has a few units for sale.
  9. Elegance corals do not have a reputation for lasting very long in reef tanks.... they are quite demanding & contradictory corals and reefers still do not know exactly what they need.
  10. Tick Tock! And I think this should be posted in the equipment forum?
  11. Excuse me, but Nauplii what? Pls be more descriptive in your topic title in future.... People's time wil be wasted clicking on threads trying to guess what you're trying to say and also the mod's time having to rename your thread with a proper description for you. I'll rename your thread from "Nauplii" to "Will nauplii suffice as the only coral food?" Thank you for your future compliance.
  12. Excuse me, but Zeolite what? Pls be more descriptive in your topic title in future.... People's time wil be wasted clicking on threads trying to guess what you're trying to say and also the mod's time having to rename your thread with a proper description for you. I'll rename your thread from "Zeolite" to "How much phosphate can Zeovite remove?" Thank you for your future compliance.
  13. When do you measure your PH? At the beginning of the day after the night cycle? Your PH levels will be low as a result of zero photosynthesis process (leading to increase oxygen levels which helps increase PH) and an increase in carbon dioxide levels building up (which depresses PH). If you're using a Calcium reactor, you will also see a depressed PH especially if you need to overdose (a problem in SPS tanks or heavily loaded coral tanks). If your water quality isn't tip-top, and there is an increase in organic load (overfeeding, overstocking, poor skimming), these will acidify your water, causing your PH to drop too. PH levels will rise during the day cycle when photosynthesis is in full bloom and will peak just before lights off. Do your PH test then. As long as your PH doesn't drop below 7.8 and increase beyond 8.6, it's within normal operating parameters... although a stable & constant PH of around 8.2 is best but hard to achieve. Calcium reactor users who overdrive their units can use a kalkwasser reactor to counter the low PH problem. Kalkwasser has high PH, fyi.
  14. I'm very sure its the work of 'clean-up crews' such as crabs, pistol shrimps, bristleworms, pods etc. These are usually hitchhikers and you may not even get to see them at all....
  15. There is generally no difference about species being hardier between different locations. It's more like the individual specimen's state of health depending on stress factors like capture method, handling, quarantining, transport, acclimatization and your tank parameters and co-inhabitant compatibility.
  16. The soft coral forum has been created already!
  17. I'm shifting all the topics related to nuisance algae here for all to better search and solve their nuisance algae problems here!
  18. Will be shifting all topics related to anemones, jellyfish, octopi, crabs, shrimps, lobsters, sea stars, marine worms, sponge, sea cuke and other invertebrates into this forum! Enjoy!
  19. You softies can come in here to talk about your softies!
  20. Nice!!! Can't wait to get back into the water!!
  21. You need a pressure-rated pump to get eductors to work but it will move a lot of water.
  22. Cyano is like a thick deep purple mat of slime and when photosythesis is in full bloom, can peel off and float away on the oxygen bubbles! Diatoms is like a very light layer of dust-like brown coating, usually on the sandbed and the glass.
  23. Suggest you either reduce immediately the load on your tank AND put up support beams to prevent a catastrophic collapse. It is certainly no joke to wait for something like this to happen!
  24. Yeah... i heard u did a major landscape change!! Or... ... Scarab's 2nd tank!!
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