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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Anticipation emancipation! Yuma's be patient!
  2. Yeah.... since when? The last time there was a mediation session, he was there.
  3. Really? I won't ask for the exact GPS location, and even if you did, I promise not to tell! Come on lah... you can at least tell us which LFS you bought it from right?
  4. yuma's so fat, the equator's her belt!
  5. Mini-me did a jiggly jig in a big fig leaf.
  6. Which LFS sold at that price to you?
  7. My english must be really bad for you to ask that question.
  8. So you sold to your glib-tongued friend at a loss? Your friendship must be really solid to sell him at that price! I have rejected a few friends even when they offered me dirt cheap prices for corals that I paid a bomb for! How much did u say you bought your coral for? And where again?
  9. Ahem... i never give out certifications... I'm no gemologist... I only buy what I think is beautiful to me and sold at a fair price. One man's gem is another man's 'bleurrgh'!
  10. Was it moronclown who got badly stung by an elegance coral?
  11. There are far more natural and effective ways to reduce NO3 than to dose sugar or even AZ-NO3 on a regular & cheap basis. If you want to reduce nutrients that feed cyanobacteria & blue/green algae... then attack the cause, not just attempt to solve the symptoms. I also believe NO3 is not the main fuel of cyanobacteria.
  12. It's not a GEM lah. Deepblue's one and the other pix looks more 'gem-like'... actually most specimens of Blasto merletti do look like that... yours just looks... sad!
  13. Tell u a story.... I heard someone ever throw in a few very large whole tiger prawns in a new tank to start a cycle.... he wondered why the whole house stank for a week and half! He wasn't trying to just get an ammonia spike... more like an ammonia chart-breaking record! LOL!
  14. Deepblue, I didn't get any because they are quite common when the season comes. And reasonably cheap too? I believe a big piece like yours cost less than $60? Lightningstrike.... your specimen looks a little bleached... overtime it should recover... try feeding it cyclop-eze, it gives good colouring. How much did u pay for yours?
  15. Think logically, if there is a huge carcass rotting in there, the ammonia levels will be higher than the nitrification rate can cope, right?... hence the detectable spike! So when ammonia levels build to a highly toxic level... the tank could crash, which is why a good biological setup with ample populations of bacteria is important to cope with pollution spikes... it happens on a regular daily basis in our reef tanks... microlife dies, pods die, fishes die, corals die but you don't get the same kind of ammonia levels like in the beginning of cycling a tank where bacteria populations are new and still growing. But if there are massive deaths all at once.... the crash will happen because the typical biological filtration will be overwhelmed... which is why reefing is all about balance between your limited setup and overstocking/overfeeding. AT
  16. Ammonia will drop and then nitrite will rise... you're on the right track. Probably your 'seeded' liverock and sandbed already has ample populations of the bacteria type that processes ammonia, hence the quick drop.
  17. LOL! Good luck?? Hahahaha!!! No lah.. when it rots, it'll be a source of ammonia.... much less crueler than subjecting fishes & livestock to toxic conditions if they are used instead as the ammonia source in a sterile tank.
  18. I was tempted once to pay about S$170 for an acro colony that was originally flown from our region all the way to Europe and then to bring it back again via 'first class' in a heated hold with zero margin. It was a very rare coloured acro... a true gem, probably worth its price as I have not seen anything like this in the reefing community before then. And this reefer friend didn't even want to mark up, just to pay him the price he got it for. A gem of a find it was, like nothing you can easily find in our LFS last time. Today, I mentally kick myself.
  19. Is that a featherstar above it? Anyway, it'll help if you put the size down.
  20. You guys are wrong... that is not a Honda... its a Kawasaki.
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