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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. ... except you have mountains, an awesome harbourview and haze from pollution!
  2. It's just my first attempt to use the night mode on a digi cam I borrowed for this trip! Those coloured lights are lightsticks! Lightsticks??? Yes... lightsticks!!!! We were at.....
  3. Scenes from my HK trip! Guess what's this we saw on our first night there!
  4. The 3-CD set is limited edition. How much is the 2-CD set retailing for?
  5. I just reserved, collected and bought for myself, danano & scarab! This album is really really really worth it! 3 CDs for only $24.90! About 33 songs!!! Seems out of stock at most places. I got mine at That CD shop. Maybe u can try HMV? Maybe Sembawang Music?
  6. Trust me lah.... u never heard of needle-nose pliers before meh?
  7. ?? I thought u just said u did? And you used back the same LR right?
  8. The best fragging tools for SPS are two needle-nose pliers used in tandem. Scissors are not great to use. U never get a good clean break at all (if you can even cut thru thick skeleton in the first place).
  9. Yes, it is out! A question of lust Strangelove Master and servant Strangely... it matches our reefkeeping hobby!
  10. Not in almost all cases. The living tissue will quickly heal over and colonise the centre of the stalk. Unless u accidentally scrap off the living tissue again, then....
  11. The only way is to snap off the damaged & exposed dead tips and let it regrow out new living tips. Algae will not grow on living coral tissue but on dead skeletons, they will.
  12. Simple. You have gone past the algae phase already. Your biological filtration capabilities have matched your bioload in your tank, all the nutrients that had fueled algae growth have declined enough. What exactly are u 'complaining' about? And are you trying to bait vegetarian fishes in various guises? Please don't!
  13. Click on 013 - Enjoy The Silence Reinterpreted - (Mike Shinoda, 2004) | mp3 sample - Full QuickTime stream!!! It rox!!!
  14. Sounds like a complaint or is it a boast? U need an instant rectification to this 'problem'?
  15. Going to get this remix album!! Check out the official DM site for song samples! Who listens to Depeche mode here?
  16. If it happens, I'll have to create a lighting subforum under the marine equipment forum. And if that happens, why not a pump/water circulation forum as well right? I think the mods will be in for a lot of work shifting threads over one by one!
  17. BTW, u shouldn't post this in Sell off/Pasar Malam Shop forum. I have to move this to the Marine equipment forum. Pls be more mindful in future... thanks!
  18. It's risky to drill existing glass tanks. You may even shatter the glass if you didn't know it was tempered. I am not sure which vendor to recommend as most will do it with no guarantees. If your tank is small, I recommend such making a new one!
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