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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. WISHING EVERYONE IN SINGAPORE'S REEFING COMMUNITY AND OUR FRIENDS FROM ACROSS THE SEAS A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! May your tank be merry and bright as you kiss your fishies goodnite....
  2. Hmmm, I strongly suggest you start off with easier to keep corals like LPS first. Build up your husbandry skills and knowledge, get the right equipment in place like good lighting, good skimming, calcium reactor, water movement devices etc first... SPS can be quite demanding and I think you want to see good strong and nice colours from SPS and not dark brown ones. Your government is trying to protect your beautiful reefs so you may want to conserve the natural beauty God has given your country by supporting LFS that may have followed the harvesting quotas and not by paying local fisherman to hack up the reefs improperly. Colorful corals or not, if they do not know how to handle them, you'll have nice white skeletons to display at your home! Anyway, my point is... if you really insist on moving straight to SPS before even trying to keep softies or LPS, start off with frags first. If you can keep them well, move on to bigger colonies. No point to fill up a tank with nice colourful SPS colonies and have them perish or turn brown within a few days or weeks, no matter how cheap you can get them.
  3. SPS can survive at 28 - 29C but for long term health, a comfortable 25C would be best. Some reefers keep SPS around 27 - 28C long term, you can accelerated growth due to higher metabolism but you will also play with fire because they are on the threshold of stress... and everyone knows how quickly SPS corals go over the edge once something goes wrong with the water.... Farrel, which city are you from?
  4. MH will give you the colour and growth that T5 can't. T5 has to be used in quantity to achieve the kind of PAR values that MH have. Plus they do not have the UV levels that scientists/reefers are speculating that the coloured pigments that SPS have to protect against high levels of UV. That said, you can keep SPS under T5s. Get good quality ones.
  5. Bio-Ocean has no more stocks for AC14K... it has been out of stock for many months already due to worldwide demand.
  6. I'm speaking from an Admin point of view... I want to keep the peace here online... there may be warring going on outside but I want SRC to go thru a peaceful X'mas. The parties involved should go out for kopi and prata... sometimes talking face to face is better. I repeat... PEACE!!
  7. Whatever the motives, Milky, I believed you got your answer and I hope you're satisfied. Everyone, kindly back off now and don't add anymore fuel to fire... Any further attempts by anyone to stir up this matter again will see the immediate closure of this thread. Two mods have already spoken their piece... comply immediately as I don't want to issue any yellow or red cards here. Thank you for your co-operation. AT
  8. I thought you want to DIY a mangrove tree?
  9. I'm moving this to the marine equipment forum.
  10. If you don't mind the appearance, apply a thick layer of superglue. Let it dry completely. It should provide a good enough seal.
  11. My 2 cents? The approach is very important. Sometimes, getting a quick & good response to an approach that doesn't seem non-hostile or suspiciously ill-timed may be expecting a little too much. We're human after all, do cut a little slack. The atmosphere has been rather tense of late. As far as I can see, Aquaz was forthcoming in answering the queries & rather professional about it too. Perhaps Woonming did lose some patience at the OEM part but if you see the retorts from the enquirer, its no surprise.
  12. Been drinking a lot of Martell with Green Tea recently! *hic!*
  13. LOL!! What makes you guys think that I am the one having this gem? Oh my joke about the starting bid? Hahahahaaa!!! Gotcha! Anyway... I got a bid for $889... NOT!
  14. BLV and Ushio are the same. Do you want me to change it to Radiums for you? And I use both Iwasaki and BLV/Ushio!
  15. DSB is proven a good system for NNR. It's not dubious except for a few vocal critics. U don't have to fear anything about it.
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