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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Counterstrike can't compare to the gameplay of Joint OPs!
  2. Joint Ops: Escalation. It's damn happening. I have been playing Novalogic Delta-Force series for a good 7 years... Delta Force, DF2, the DF add-ons to the Joint Ops Typhoon rising to the current Escalation. I can say its the only wargaming online game that I have stuck to till today. Why wave fairy wands when you can fire machine guns, drive a M1 tank, an apache and go to war with hundreds of other soldiers? You can form squads with medics, engineers, snipers, rifleman and go for land, sea and air attacks! Here's some in-game pix!!
  3. Frankly speaking, they should also put nose-digging, face-scratching, adjusting of clothes, fiddling with the radio, talking to your passengers, turning on any knobs on the dashboard, eating and drinking while driving as offenses that are
  4. Best to have euro-bracing... to stop the wave from going over the edge if you mistune!
  5. I already did that. I threw out all my old sand and put in thick bottom bracing on my tank and resiliconed almost all the visible seams with DC791. I already have euro-bracing plus centre brace due to my 3ft width.
  6. For those who are a bit lost... this device does this!
  7. Yeeaaaaaahh!!! Finally, I got my hands on the ultimate water circulation device! No more SPS tissue recession due to poor water movement! No more dead spots! Woooohoooo!! I'll post up pix and a product review once I borrow a digital cam! Oh... I bought it from Reef Depot, our friendly SRC advertiser! Two thumbs up for good service too!
  8. Not trying to rain on your parade but you have to sacrifice a lot to be on your own. Every cent is going to be important and if you have financial commitments towards your family and loved ones, you will be needing a lot of understanding and support when the going gets tough. 1 out of 1000 entrepreneurs make it big. It's a combination of luck, vision, hard work, determination, sacrifice and opportunities that make or break an entrepreneur and the test of fire will burn up your will or make you strong. I wish you luck... not many people have the discipline to be hardworking every single minute like those in their own businesses. Perhaps Linkin Park or Scarab can advise you... they have their own businesses - a lot of ups and downs.... more downs in the beginning actually!
  9. Seems like a lot of places have run out of stock. Need to replace my old blue bulbs... anyone spotted any stocks of 400w Blv/ushio blue SE bulbs around, pls PM me! Thanks!
  10. A lot of things are nice to see but a MAJOR PAIN to maintain. Not to mention a total waste of $$$. Research and learn from other people's mistakes.
  11. Shoelevy, just take it as a lesson to pass on to others and yourself. Even in a FOWLR tank, you have to be careful about the compatibility of fish species. Some are just not meant to be. Some are just wrongly-sized. Whatever the fish you put in.... research research research! It'll save you a lot of pain...
  12. The only way you can keep a peaceful lion in a reef tank is to have one that is trained and weaned to take fresh meat from your hands (recommended - feeding stick or tongs) and one that is well fed so it won't hunt down other fishes. But you can't stop instincts so that's no guarantee either. Anyway, unless you have a huge tank with excellent water quality husbandry skills/good equipment/tabj maintenance routine, upkeeping a lionfish long term will probably foul up your reef tank faster and cause problems.
  13. Frankly, it's not that amusing or shocking. You should research and readup before you buy ANYTHING. Lionfish are predators, any fish that can fit into their mouths are fair game. Sorry for your loss but I think you seriously can't blame the lionfish.
  14. Yes, some anthias are very aggressive, to each other more so than other species. But if the colouration is very similar... they will also harass. I think you can forget about the purple queens, beautiful but impossible to keep long term. They are very finicky eaters.
  15. Have u tried squirting cyclop-eze infront of it to see it eats them? My worry is that the pod population will disappear and they don't know what else to eat? Good writeup!!
  16. If you're not keeping SPS corals, a 150w 20k bulb should suffice, even for some hard corals. You just need to extend the photoperiod a little longer. For more light-loving creatures like clams and some hard corals, you may have to raise them up to the top so they can get all the PAR that the blue bulb can give (which is quite little considering its only 150w and a higher K bulb). Colour-wise, IMO, BLV 20k is nice... If u go 10k, you may need a lot more FL blue lights to balance the colour away from yellow.
  17. Cool... my aching bones could use some!
  18. It could be just a physical scar. Maybe a rock fell on it before. Quite common.
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