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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. I think its overrated unless you really buy a cheapo freshwater tank with thin walls and lousy poorly applied silicon.
  2. Darren, There's nothing to hide from others, really. I think Agent Smith from the Matrix summed it up best by describing humanity as a virus. Mankind has dominated and ruined the earth the moment he was placed here. We do what amuses us. We can burn down hundreds of hectres of rainforest to build golf courses. Dredge or fill up estuaries so as to build marinas or extend the land into the sea. Anything that can be abused will be abused. That's why CITES helps regulate our activities to prevent over-exploitation.
  3. I guess that should be applied subjectively as the scale of harvesting, the species targeted, the time frame this occurs and the recovery timeline are all undetermined. Too bad we don't harvest Crown of Thorns starfish. PS - no, not enough!
  4. Regular water changes is liken to opening a window and bringing fresh air into a stale room. No harm but good (provided you don't change the water parameters drastically).
  5. Aquaculture production of ornamental species should be avoided when it would replace a harvest of wild animals that maintains habitat, a cultural benefit, or an economic benefit. - perhaps the regular removal of certain organisms have caused the balance in a habitat to be tipped towards the favour of the majority? A certain patch of reef could be plagued by triggerfish that prevent other fishes from moving in? Dun flame me... I only got A1 for GP... but sometimes I can't understand simple english....heehee...
  6. Nice legs. Joking... welcome to SRC... do keep us updated on your progress. ps - can you keep your photos to within 700 pixel width? Thanks!
  7. What's there to comment? It's like telling birdkeepers that birds are meant to fly free. Or fishes are meant to swim in the wild. Or we shouldn't fish for sport. Unless there is hard evidence that reefkeeping is responsible for destroying reefs as fast as mother nature, global warming, pollution, commercial activities, illegal fishing like dynamite fishing or cyanide usage, land reclamation, shipping activities etc... there is nothing to say except that she's probably just reading a script without understanding the full facts behind that statement. Perhaps she's telling indiscriminate beachwaders not to pick corals and put them at home if they don't invest time, effort, money and equipment like us serious reefers?
  8. Either she's super slim or the rim's pretty big. Either way, she obviously grazed the back of her head... ouch?
  9. As mentioned, you need a longer pipe into the skimmer body. Another elbow too.
  10. I am sure smilies are public domain as it will defeat the purpose if its not meant to be used by all.
  11. SRC wishes all Catholic reefkeepers well in this time of mourning.
  12. I'll close the order 15 April. Can someone do a spreadsheet for me? I think some people have not indicated design choice properly yet.
  13. Nice, I'll add them to our Similies library soon. Anymore?
  14. Happy April Fools Day, guys! Note the author's name... Wasse Maitime.... what does it say...?
  15. Free diver seriously hurt by surgeonfish Indonesia 21 Mar 2005 By WASSE MAITIME, Associated Press Writer A free diver at the Kalangkaboh Islands off Indonesia was seriously hurt when he dived off his boat and into a school of mating surgeonfish. He was repeatedly slashed by the angry fishes using their spikes near the end of their tails against his body. Horrified friends watched as the waters turned blood red and scrambled to retrieve their companion as he struggled to get out of the water. Mr Blar Sotonk, an Indonesian marine biologist who was onboard the expedition said: "In my 30 years of marine experience, I have never seen an episode like this ever happening before. It is unknown for surgeonfish to be aggressive and there are no known accounts of humans being attacked by schools of surgeonfish before". The species involved was the Achilles Tang, a black fish with an orange spot near its tail. A circular from the Indonesian Marine authorities urge all visitors to avoid the KalangKaboh Islands until a proper investigation is launched. Mr Dam Suay, the victim of Thai origin, is recovering well from the incident, although sources say that he intends to quit going back into the sea and is seriously considering giving up his reefkeeping hobby as he is afraid of putting his hands back into anything remotely saltwater. Alternate sources say that Mr Dam Suay was insensitive to the fishes as no one wants to be disturbed during intimate sessions and deserved what he got. - Wahoo News 1 April 2005.
  16. Woah... you got a good microscope!
  17. Goondoo... u dive?? Gorgeous pix!!
  18. Thanks Dispar! Will put your name down then under booth manning?
  19. LOGISTICS I need people to help me with logistics in getting the hardware, posters & printed materials assembled, delivered and set up for our booth AND the teardown logistics. TRANSPORTION/MANUAL WORK - people transportation - equipment and material transportation - assembling & setup (1st trade day) - AT - teardown & packup (last public day) - AT BOOTH MANNING - daily for trade days (opening up/closing) - AT, dispar anthia - daily for public days (opening/closing) - AT, dispar anthia (put your names here first. A daily schedule will be setup to cater for maximum staff strength even on rotational basis throughout the public days (Sat and Sun) to give out flyers, talk to people, relieve each other for breaks, makan times, R&R walkarounds). MATERIAL PREPARATION I need people to help me with the collation, design and preparation work for the multimedia and printed materials. 1. Multimedia presentations (MULTIMEDIA SKILLS NEEDED) - Gallery showcase of our member's tanks to inspire newcomers. - powerpoint presentation on basic reefkeeping eg. cycling period - powerpoint presentation on the ocean environment and what we can do as individuals to preserve it. 2. Posters: (GRAPHIC ARTWORK SKILLS WANTED) - our Club's name and website - our goals and objectives - our milestones as a club: Saving Nemo campaign - introduction of our website features 3. Flyers: (GRAPHIC ARTWORK SKILLS WANTED) - basic tips given on how to start up a tank - List of mistakes to avoid - some basic guidelines promoting responsible reefkeeping 4. Stickers/car decals: (GRAPHIC ARTWORK SKILLS WANTED) - promoting our club and website address
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