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Achilles Tang

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About Achilles Tang

  • Birthday 08/20/1971

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    Marine Biology
    Computer Gaming

    Tang, clam and fairy wrasse lover!

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  1. If it doesn't move, it's probably some kind of sponge growth. Harmless. If it moves, it's probably some kind of flatworm. Probably harmless too.
  2. Excellent idea. But I do wonder if the stock light has enough PAR at all. Are there any specs on the output?
  3. Chaeto are plants. They need light. You can't stuff them inside the filter chamber and expect them to survive in the long term.
  4. Hey Hello , A warm Welcome to the forums. :)

  5. Hey Hello , A warm Welcome to the forums. :)

  6. Hey Hello , A warm Welcome to the forums. :)

  7. Hey Hello , A warm Welcome to the forums. :)

  8. Hey Hello , A warm Welcome to the forums. :)

  9. Hey Hello , A warm Welcome to the forums. :)

  10. Hey Hello , A warm Welcome to the forums. :)

  11. Hey Hello , A warm Welcome to the forums. :)

  12. Hey Hello wahwah, A warm Welcome to the forums. :)

  13. You can try the pantyhose trick... Put a piece of fish meat on a bunch of pantyhose, and sink it to the bottom at night... chances are... its legs may get caught in it and you can then scoop it out the next morning. Good luck!
  14. Researchers are building the environmental equivalent of the ASX200 as a means of monitoring the health of Australian marine ecosystems. View the full article
  15. Eutrophication of the seas may have an impact on genetic variation in algae, new research shows. View the full article
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