Anyone looking for automation testing for all your major reefing parameters look no further as am selling off my MT, plz wa me 82689966 for more details n pix tks
Royal Gramma tentively reserved for collection this weekend. Also adding this mini green zoa colony (about 30 heads or more) attached to small live rock for $25. Take both green zoa colony and GSP for $40! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
WTS Oz Elegance with blueish-purple tips. Size is about 8cm. Selling at $70. Bought originally for $85. Self collection at 689575. Thanks for looking! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Sicce syncra ADV 7 What you see is what u get. Used lightly. Condition 9.5/10 7000L/hr flowrate. Made in Italy Selling at $180 ( RTP $280 ) Self collect at 762672 Text me at 9182 one two zero four Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app