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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2021 in all areas

  1. More corals for sale. Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  2. Kindly WhatsApp 92971884 if keen thanks. Total of 4 types, 2 Rainbow 2 Ultra Grade all for only $150!
    1 point
  3. Just a FTS update Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  4. A short update on the kenya tree that was bought a few weeks ago from a reefer who was about to decomm. Placed it at the back of the tank near my gorgonian colony as I thought the back of the tank would look nicer fillled with softies swaying. It has fully extended and now is happily enjoying its spot behind the tank. Also bought this wrasse, I think it's a wrasse? The nose is a bit longer than a normal wrasse but the lfs told me it was a uncommon kind of cleaner wrasse. I noticed him picking some parasites that are not visible to the eye off my fishes, so kind of a cool addition to the tank. Although melanurus wrasses are known to be quite aggressive to other types of wrasses but surpsingly I have two of them in the tank and both are quite docile in front of the new cleaner wrasse. Some pictures of the other wrasses in my tank.
    1 point
  5. Just to share how I eventually got this finicky fish to feed on frozen food. Got this 3 inch butterfly from an LFS and of course during the initial 1 week refused to eat anything, mysis, opened up clam, even rejected live brineshrimp. Finally got some live tubifex worms 2 days ago and it started eating the live worms. Then I alternated feeding with frozen bloodworms- initially it spat out the bloodworms but over several trials, it eventually reconsumed the worms that were spat out and now consumes the frozen bloodworms quite readily. I am unsure of the nutritional value of these worms for marine fish but I soak them in Selcon first before feeding to the butterfly. Just something to share with those who acquired these finicky eaters.
    1 point
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