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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2021 in all areas

  1. WTS green pepper mint monti $15, yellow tenuis $15, red mushroom $12 per polyp, green hairy mushroom $8 pink birdnest mini colony $30 if interested do WhatsApp me @91435661 green hairy mushroom $8^ pink birdnest mini colony $30^ yellow tenuis $15,^ green pepper mint monti $15^ red mushroom $12 per polyp^ if interested do WhatsApp me @91435661
    1 point
  2. $100 each. Goldrim crocea clam, tricolor cynarina, pink cynarina. Collection at kembangan, pm or telegram me @caulifloweric to deal
    1 point
  3. Collect near lakeside. $15 Slightly smaller than open palm size. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  4. It looks like a spaghetti worm! Its a good clean up crew cos it eats all the leftover food and waste from the fish. Some people get rid of it because its unsightly and scary but if you dont mind this guy's tentacles then leave him in
    1 point
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