Wysiwyg (sgd 2,500) Live stock: A few orange bubble tip anemone A few red bubble tip anemone Cabbage coral A few mushrooms: blue, green Huge toadstool Live rocks and sand 2 x yellow tangs 1 mystery wrasse 1 fairy wrasse 1 cleaner wrasse 1 yellow wrasse 1 royal gamma 2 dr shrimp Equipment: Red Sea reefer 350 (4 feet tank) 2 x 26HD Hydra with HRMS arms 1 x Nero 5 1 x reef octopus varios 4 return pump 1 x reef octopus protein skimmer (straight) 1 x 1/4 arctica chiller (ard 8 years old and making louder than usual sound. May need maintenance. Still serves well in terms of lowering temp to 26c.) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk