1. Watermelon milli - 30 about 1 inch 2. Lavender acculius-40 blue body green polyps about 1 inch multiple branches 3. Yellowish accro no id- 40 about 2 inch multiple branches 4. Red polyps acro 40 5. Cookie Monster 30 Pm if interested96959122. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Current update my tank now have fully cycle. Ph 8.2 Dkh 12 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 20ppm So any suggestion on the 1st few livestock or coral? Shud i do water change b4 intro livestock. N i have some spot with diatom too.. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
The nitrates you are measuring is because of the nitrites in tne water. Nitrate test kits work by reducing nitrate first to nitrite before measuring. So if you already have nitrites then thats what it measures. So your system most likely has zero nitrate. You should measure nitrate only after you get zero nitrite. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app