Hi guys, am at the very last leg of my tank decom. I have this aprox 25x25cm scaped using Caribsea Life-rock (~5kg worth) and covered with coraline algae, pods and stomastella snails.
Bundled together with this scape is:
1x abalone
1x Royal Gramma (Note that its abit sluggish but still eating well, its a very large piece at 3" long, i suspect it might be sluggish due to old age)
1x Astrea snails
Some carib-sea fragzone rocks full of pods
+ some bumblebee snails if i can find more.
All these to go for ONLY $50, must collect ASAP since the rocks are outside of water. use a styrofoam box for easy transport..
Whatsapp me at 910Six393Four, no reservation, FCFS.