Today Zhng my chiller day. Hailea internal temp probe seems not very accurate resulting in often switch on and higher electric bill. Bought from our favourite shop TB the external probe Open the front cover, Look for the internal probe connector, disconnect original one and connect to ur new external probe Remember to secure the probe, best is to buy those screw on for specifically for hanging probes. I haven buy yet so use tape as band aid first. This is important as probe is the heart of chiller system, this one comes loose, will be GG. The front cover hole can fit the probe dimension so can go thru it for neater look, without the need to drill additional holes thru the chiller chassis. Disclaimer: Just for sharing and if u follow me and screw up ur chiller dont come after me k! [emoji23] Experiment at ur own risk. Thanks for reading and happy reefing. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app