I agree with darrance, if you really want to get into this hobby, you're gonna save quite a bit of money in the long run if you get a proper/bigger chiller.
If you are just trying out, a fan/cheap shrimp nano chiller would be far more friendly on the wallet.
Those nano chillers are normally thermoelectric, not a lot of moving parts for it to really break, just make sure to get from a good seller.
Without chiller or fan also can, just keep your tank in a cool shaded area, and don't let temp spike above 28°C. I've kept a 10 Gal without chiller for a long time without much issue (keeping mainly soft coral and easy LPS/SPS). But ofc if you plan to keep anemone and other sensitive SPS, chiller is strongly recommended.
Hailea is a good, reliable and cheap brand, lots of users in SG. As darrance had said, try to get the newer HK model if space/budget permits as its much quieter/efficient.