Maintenance day, scrap the glass clean, clean wavemaker. Didnt change water though..lazy sunday 🤭 My most colorful corner, The Chapalang Garden [emoji28] Consist favia, monti, shrooms, cloves,cyphastra, chalice. Side view some lowlights, coral casualties. My fav orange chalice receded after i hand itchy move its position, move back original position hope it makes recovery. infront is yellow spondages frag, drop into duncan coral and head become botak. hope it makes recovery. my single head hammer, its a fighter, dont wan to die, been slow recede for many many months,more than 1 year i tink, not sure root cause, few suspects, my tank low nutrient, one side flow too strong, or my wrasse keep spraying sand onto it, sighz, at least my froggiespawn and torches no issue. Thanks for viewing! happy reefing [emoji51] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app