Hello everyone! I’ve recently come to a decision to upgrade and build a tank of my own for the first time. [emoji16] with over a year’s experience of reefing with a 15gallon AIO system, I constantly feel that there are things that can be improved in my system. Reefing is a expensive hobby. As I’m only in my early twenties serving the nation, cash flow is not as high, and i would rather be investing my excess cash! Therefore, I’ve come to a decision to build instead of buy, taking this opportunity to build experience and learn. for this build, i’ll be doing everything myself from the wooden panels to building the tank up from scratch. I’m excited to be able to share with you guys my tank design I’ve did up. I would appreciate comments on what I can work on. thanks in advance everyone! some things which i did not model are: -plumbing to chiller -union joints -valves here’s how it goes. The sump I’ve modelled is actually designed to be a 2nd display tank. sandbed with liverock and display macroalgae which runs on reverse lighting schedule. I would believe this is more interesting than the traditional sump layout, and allow me to have a different view after the lights go off. I also assume that this will produce a good pod population, as compared to the regular turning ball of chaeto. I’m in the meantime skeptical about how my sump layout works in the event of a pump failure. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app