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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/2021 in all areas

  1. $15 each Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    2 points
  2. Hi fellow reefers. This is my nps tank. If I may be honest. I am posting this so that I may rack up sufficient posts to be qualified for participation in the buy/sell sub forum. So please feel free to post your comments or questions. Thanks.
    1 point
  3. Starting a new build after getting my own place. Tank: Red Sea Reefer XXL 625 Return Pump: Reef Octopus Varios 6 Planned but not purchased yet Wave Maker: Vortech MP40 x 2 Chiller: TECO TK1000 Skimmer: NYOS Quantum 160 Lighting: ReefLED 160s x 2 Will also be repurposing my old Radion Gen 3 as the refugium light. Tank Arrival The Qian Hu guys were really professional, kudos to them for making sure the tank was levelled and aligned. Tank came with the V3 sump and support brace.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Yup, that’s correct. Though technically the piping was laid first and the cabinet was built around it.
    1 point
  6. Another big red sea reefer build! Awesome! Mind if i ask why didn't u consider going for compressor chilling?
    1 point
  7. Thanks Most of us do not have the space for a proper quarantine system. Or the discipline to follow through it. My process to manage fish disease : Quarantine. I have a plastic tub (filled with 20L of water) to quarantine fish for a couple of days to monitor them. Usually add prazi as a preventive measure against intestinal worms , skin flukes & paravortex turbellaria flatworms (black ich). But as you say, this is not 100% fool proof. The rest are more applicable to your query. Hospital tank/medication. I have a spare plastic tub / tank on standby in case fish get sick & needs to be taken out to medicate. Air pump & wavemaker for the hospital tank is always within reach. Standby Seachem Cupramine (for ich), Eiho Prazi Gold (dewormer) & API Furan2 (broad spectrum anti biotic) AquaUV sterilizer. Usually running about 75% of the time but will turn on 24/7 for several weeks if new fish are added. UV is to mitigate risk of full blown ich. I'm running a 57w unit on the 850L tank. Feed the fish well so they can fight off parasites on their own. I use Fauna Marin Food Energizer on a regular basis to give pellet food a nutrition boost. Selcon works very well as well. Cleaner wrasse eat some turbellaria flatworms that reside on fish. Wrasses & Mandarin dragonets eat what they find on the sand bed. Wrasses & mandarins are not a solution to pests. And may not do much in the whole scheme of things. But they probably do help a little (just like how UV can reduce the population of cryptocaryon irritans). A single adult turbellaria flatworms (black ich) can re-produce hundreds of larvae on the body of a fish. Any reduction of an adult is a good thing. I have cleaner wrasse, 6 line wrasse & blue mandarin dragonets - 2 pair of each.
    1 point
  8. My favorite cyan toadstool’s growth over a few months: Aug ‘20: Jan ‘21: Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    1 point
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