Time for an Otaku Review and Otaku Hack! Been trying out the seneye reef for sometime. I think its not totally useful. I mainly purchased for PAR purpose, have since reconfigured it to do the “monitoring” job which is supposedly advertised as its main purpose. tot can help do power outage notifications but [emoji17] Pros: 1. Its ok for temperature and out of water alarm as its very quick to email u if both above issues is outta whack. Cons: 2. Power outage notification is non existent. its only available if u buy the expensive SWS webserver. I used the BRS hack and got the PC stick but so far my test run showing no email notification when i disconnect power.. [emoji17] 3. PH and ammonia monitoring is subscription based, means u need buy slide to be able to monitor, about $10 bucks for 30 days, being the cheapo reefer i am i refuse to pay for this lol. Current solution is APEX and isocket both expensive solutions. Cannot be no solution right??? 21st century already and got Mr Google and being the Otaku as i am, i set out to find a solution for power outage notification for free!! Step 1: Download app call uptime robot, we will be making this app ping your router every 5mins, if ur router down (like in the event of power outage) it will auto send u email. Its totally Free! of cos if u feeling rich, u can subscribe to them, will ping every 1min!! Confirm monitor gao gao. Step 2: Find ur router WAN IP, if duno ask Mr Google. WAN IP is like ur Public IP fyi. Step3: key in ur WAN IP into the app. Voila! it works! Tested it and it works leh, maybe more reefers can try and see if works. Disclaimer: Try at ur own risk. Just testing out and not sure long time performance, and also router outage does not equal power outage for reef tank, could be just router down. Do take note, nevertheless, i tink its quite useful. Hope this helps! Happy Reefing! Seneye screenshot uptime Robot Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app