just sharing my tots, how old ur tank and ur bioload? if no skimate, got few reasons, ur bioload too low vs ur tank size, u never tune the skimmer properly, i tune the bubble until the collection cup neck, ur skimmer not rated properly or its not good skimmer, those very good skimmer using needle pump to create those very fine bubbles with higher surface area to bring out the skimmate. Got trend out there saying no need skimmer but i probably wont run without 1, its more for contingencies i tink cos got stuff die think the skimmer can quickly skim out the DOC quickly or in case of overdose meds, the skimmer also help i tink. Plus it aerates the water and bring up pH. Just my opinion, do wat u think is best for u, many paths to success. Happy reefing bro! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app