Hey everyone!
I’ve decided to make my 180G the focus of the rest of 2020 while I let my 300G low maintenance softie reeftank run on autopilot. The focus of this build is going to be unique and/or interactive fish.
After the recent upheaval of my mangroves from 2 different systems and realizing it isn’t feasible to keep large fish with them in a setup like this(see accompanying pictures below). (At this point most of them were around 80cm to a metre tall)
I eventually did away with all but 1 of my mangrove plants, and I’m considering placing this last rhizopora in the overflow section of my
180G display.
Prior to being in this system, they grew out a lot better as propagules in a deep sandbed in this old system i had to decommission earlier this year:
Now, I’m rolling with a completely different setup but one that’s close to my heart cause it’s what got me into reefing to begin with- a classic fowlr with my favorite marine teleostei specimens.
Of course, I had to get down and dirty(and especially soggy) revamping my system as I reconfigured the plumbing, swapped out for a stronger return pump, and housekeeping that was way overdue.
Previously, I had a 9” Batfish in the tank along with a few other fish with the mangroves. I let these go as well and the system was running fishless for a good 2 months.
Over the past week, I’ve been hard at work refurbishing, consolidating and fine-tuning the main components of this system that was given to me FOC in September last year from someone who was letting it go with only the condition of payment for the moving fee.
At $250 for a 4x2.5x2.5ft tank of approximately 180 gallons, I had my work cut out for me in the beginning, as the system was in a putrid state overall, but I got it running after a while.
Recently, I stripped the system back to its fundamentals and scrubbed it down. Here’s a before & after of the sump for reference:
In the coming weeks, I’ll be documenting my journey refurbishing and setting up from scratch of an older system.
Albeit the fact that it’s not the most prestigious or ambitious build, I want to help beginners and people just getting into the hobby realize that reefing/maintaining of a marine aquarium need not be as intimidating, super expensive or sophisticated as it may appear or be.
Stay tuned for more!
P.S. also, I’ve already got my first member for this fowlr setup that is something of a old dog with new tricks.
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