Starting a new thread to document the progress of a new set up.
Tank was given by a nice reefer (thanks!!). In return, I bought over his equipment.
Its a nice sized tank - 5 x 2.5 x 2, 15mm glass, chengal wood stand. The physical condition of the tank wasn't great and took it as part of the fun to fix it during free time on the weekends. Some pictures :
Upon closer inspection, there are several large patches of scratches in the middle (viewing area)
Ordered some Cerium Oxide - a compound commonly used in the industry to polish glass
Mix into a paste
Marked the areas with bad scratches with masking tape
Climbed into the tank & polished out the scratches. I'd say 90% of the bad scratches are gone. I didn't bother to remove the scratches from areas which were not easily seen.