actually would advise u wait for tank stable first, once stable very hard to prevent it from growing lol cos it will find a way to ur tank via frag plugs, snail shells etc happy reefing. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Cleaned the pump a couple of days earlier.
1 year of dirt
Stuff a piece of filter wool to wash the insides without the need to disassemble the clips.
No rust on screws (as expected)
Just a general clean up of simple scrubbing & inspection. I don't soak pump parts in vinegar to minimize risk of acid damage.
Proceeded to calibrate the pump. I attached a long flexible hose to the outlet pipe to monitor the water flow.
Now all the pumps go into proper flow rates when feed mode is triggered -> no siphon effect for food to flow into the sump.
Hi reefers!
Its my first reef build and I'm hoping to share my reef journey with all of you. I have been reading your threads on your build and made me jumped on the reef game bandwagon.
I've been running FW sys for years. It's my dream to have my own reef aquarium in ym own hope. Have moved and shifted to my new home and finally after a year CO gave me the green light to start one! My first take on reef and Your opinions/inputs are welcome.
I don't plan to burn a big hole in my wallet hence the size of my chosen tank! Smaller tank smaller equipments.. Less damage to my pockets and not to forget I'll be running my tank fully on aquaforest products.
RSR 250 limited edition (ordering soon!) I have read and there were many rave reviews on RSR's build quality and they're popular overseas. I don't have any experience in any customization builds so I forgo the ideas. Locally there's many reputable shops that do customization but it's not up in my alley... YET!
Equipment List
Lights: radion XR15 (x2) with single mount
Skimmer: NYOS 120
Chiller: hailea or Tecco
Biomedia: ah-ha! Need some advice. Torn between siporax/maxspect biosphere/marinepure blocks. Some having great success running on siporax but there's good reviews on the biosphere as well. Some say for the marinepure blocks have to be in a dark area and low flow. Can't make up my kind yet.
Return pumps: vectra M1.
Wavemakers: maxspect gyres x2
Dosing: TBC.
Rock works and sand: caribsea live rocks and sands
I'm Contemplating whether to get the Apex sys.
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