Hi All, the following items are up for grabs.
All items are around 2 years.
SMS/Whatsapp to 94511207
Collection will be at Marine Crescent
1. Milwaukee Ph Controller SMS122 - $50
2. Rainbow Food timer - $5
3. Megaman bulb holder - $10
4. Ehiem Canister Filter 7451 - $20
5. Return Pump Low power consumption TeSino GP-231 - $100
6. Seneye Water Monitor - $150, few free slides
7. Dosing pump bracket - $5
8.Artica Chiller DBA-075 - $320
9. ZeRo 3 stage with inline TDS Meter (free carbon blocks, DI to be replenished
10 MaxSpect Razor 160w LED light - passive cooling - $450
11 Vortect MP10 x 02 - $280 each.
Pictures included.