Hello !
My tank have been running for 4 months and everything have been doing well except some small frags and 1-2 colony STN. Still can't find the actual cause of it. I believed it's due to my low alk, there was a period of time my tank is running on ~4.5dkh for 4-5 days due to my silly mistake. I didn't realised my Skimz Calcium Reactor pump have stopped working. I kept on increasing my co2 bubble count to 2-3bubbles per seconds but to no valid my dkh didn't increase. In the end I found out the root my my problem and went to Aquamarin to get it fixed, so I urge you guys to do your due diligence and check all your equipments because equipments wear & tear quite easily. I was just lucky that I lost only 2 frags during this process.
These 4 months have been great too, visiting a lot of reefers tank to get frags, a lot of local fish shop also brought in a lot of nice Oz, Tonga shipment with affordable pricing. My tank is pretty full so I'm trying control my spending and watch out of my selection of corals carefully. Below is some snapshot of my corals. Hope you guys enjoy.
Full Tank Shot (FTS)
Meanwhile I'm still battling with Ich in my main tank at the moment so you won't see any fishes on my DT. Trying to undergo proper quarantine with copper for all my tangs before releasing it to my display tank. What I trying to do is to maintain a copper level of 0.25-0.50 for 2 weeks before water change with my old display tank water so I can observe whether my DT is safe to put my tangs in without ich. I understand there're many different ways to handle ich but this is just my method.
Good thing about having a quarantine tank is to:
1) Ensure they're healthy from any parasites.
2) Train them to eat all the foods you prepared (TDO Pellets, Nori, Mysis and etc)
3) Allow them to live in harmony together. (If they have any aggression you can remove easily in your QT as compared to your DT)
TBH last time I don't believe in QT-ing fish but after trying out I feel much safer on the life span of the fishes.
This is my fish list:
1) Achillies Tang
2) Atlantic Blue Tang
3) Hybrid Power Blue or Sri Lanka Power Blue Tang
4) Purple Tang
5) Flame Hawk
6) Golden Midas
7) Couple of Blue eye anthias
8) Pair of Clownfish
9) Flame Angel
10) Lamarck angelfish
11) Genicanthus bellus
12) Six line Wrasse
13) Yellow Wrasse
14) Leopard Wrasse
That's all I can think about. Any suggestions please comment below! Appreciated it.